

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:28

iphone Programming Glossary: inserting

Installing Core-Plot in Xcode 4.2 for iOS project


to your application project. Done Finally you should be able to import all of the Core Plot classes and data types by inserting the following line in the appropriate source files within your project #import CorePlot CocoaTouch.h Done Is anyone able..

I keep on getting “save operation failure” after any change on my XCode Data Model


a very simple entity called Evaluation with just one string property called evaluationTopic . I had following code for inserting a fresh string void insertNewObject Create a new instance of the entity managed by the fetched results controller. NSManagedObjectContext..

Received memory warning on setimage


the UIImage Resize category the details for which can be found here . Resize your image to something smaller before inserting into your view then make sure the full resolution image is released or set to nil if on ARC and you should have a happier..

UIWebView Keyboard - Getting rid of the “Previous/Next/Done” bar


Tesseract Example for Iphone


bytes_per_pixel bytes_per_line 0 0 width height TessBaseAPI End but when I try to compile for device only inserting include statement without the code above i get the following error syntax error before 'PAGE_RES' warning type defaults..

SQLite3 database doesn't actually insert data - iPhone


addObject newList newList release self.tableView reloadData sqlite3_finalize statement else NSAssert1 0 @ Error while inserting data. ' s' sqlite3_errmsg db Database closeDatabase db Again no errors have been thrown. The prepare and step statements..

Does UIGestureRecognizer work on a UIWebView?


UILongPressGestureRecognizer sender Do Stuff I've confirmed this by using the Apple sample for UIGestureRecognizer and inserting a webview in their nib. Their tap code works everywhere but inside the area of the webview. iphone objective c cocoa ipad..

Xcode: Unable to open project… cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed


be parsed. Is there a way that people know of that I can recover from this I tried using an older project file and re inserting it and then compiling. It gives me a funky error which is probably because it isn't finding all the files it wants... I..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it I have a user interface to insert a Transaction. once the user clicks on a plus he gets the screen and i want to instantiate.. save error P.S i am using an NSFetchedResultsController on that table and I see that the NSFetchedResultsController is inserting a section and an object to the table. My thought is if there is a way to instantiate the Transaction NSManagedObject i could.. can do like NSCoding . You might be able to use NSManagedObject isInserted in NSPredicate presumably it's YES between inserting and successfully saving . Alternatively you can use a transient property with the same behaviour set it to YES in awakeFromInsert..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


uitableview static when inserting rows at the top I have a tableView that I'm inserting rows into at the top. Whilst I'm doing this I want the current view.. uitableview static when inserting rows at the top I have a tableView that I'm inserting rows into at the top. Whilst I'm doing this I want the current view to stay completely still so the rows only appear if..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


share improve this question I have found a workaround. Recreating from scratch a very simple UITableView 8 rows and inserting a UIScrollView in just the second row works perfectly. Nested scroll views the TableView and the ScrollView scroll independently..

Set the maximum character length of a UITextField


be changed. The text field has not changed at this point so we grab it's current length and the string length we're inserting minus the range length. If this value is too long more than 25 characters in this example return NO to prohibit the change...

Can't find momd file: Core Data problems


to put in initial data into the app by finding the path to the sqlite file in my iPhone simulator and then going and inserting into that sqlite file. But at some point I moved the sqlite thinking it would create a fresh copy deleted the app from the..

Disable UIScrollView scrolling when UITextField becomes first responder


So on textFieldDidBeginEditing by wrapping the UITextField with a new UIScrollView with the same size of it that is inserting the view in between the UITextField and it's superview this will block the auto scroll. Finally remove this wrapper on textFieldDidEndEditing...

What are the differences between nil, NULL and [NSNULL nil]?


of a special sentinel for them. NSNull null is an object that is intended to be uses in very certain cases like inserting into collections where an non value value is desired but actual nil is not allowed and an object must be used. Note that..

how to insert only one username and password in sqlite database


share improve this question If I understood your requirement correctly You can follow the below guideline. Before inserting the data to the table You can check if any record is added to the table. If the count is 0 you can proceed to insert the..