

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:28

iphone Programming Glossary: insertnewobjectforentityforname

I keep on getting “save operation failure” after any change on my XCode Data Model


entity fetchedResultsController fetchRequest entity NSManagedObject newManagedObject NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName entity name inManagedObjectContext context If appropriate configure the new managed object. newManagedObject setValue @.. entity fetchedResultsController fetchRequest entity Evaluation evaluation Evaluation NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName entity name inManagedObjectContext context If appropriate configure the new managed object. evaluation setValue @ My even..

Iphone Core Data crashing on Save


clickedButtonAtIndex NSInteger buttonIndex switch buttonIndex case 0 if message nil message NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ MailMessage inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext message.toString txtTo.text message.fromString txtFrom.text..

iPhone core data inserting new objects


normal NSMutableSet methods. To add a new managed entity you will do something like Task newTask NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Task inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext If you grab the Location sample from Apple and work from there you.. then just create your Flight objects as necessary and set the relationship like Flight newFlight NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Flight inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext newFlight setRoute routingArray Airport.Board.flights addObject..



I set up an Entity using the Xcode .xcdatamodel file editor. I created an entity called Person added a few attributes then.. it. That all works fine. Now when I go to write a line of code like Person person Person NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Person inManagedObjectContext managedObjectContext And I get Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException'..

Core Data pattern: how to efficiently update local info with changes from network?


objectAtIndex 0 fetchRequest release return nil MyObject obj self myObjectById if obj NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName ... etc I feel this is wrong and I should do the check some other way. It should only hit the database once and should come..

Core Data unique attributes [closed]


JSON and Core Data on the iPhone


objectName structureDictionary objectForKey @ ManagedObjectName NSManagedObject managedObject NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName objectName inManagedObjectContext moc managedObject setValuesForKeysWithDictionary structureDictionary for NSString relationshipName..

How does the iPhone SDK Core Data system store date types to sqlite?


sqlite I used core data to do this NSManagedObjectContext m self managedObjectContext Foo f Foo NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Foo inManagedObjectContext m f.created_at NSDate date m insertObject f NSError error m save error Where the created_at..

warning: Attempting to create USE_BLOCK_IN_FRAME variable with block that isn't in the frame


parts objectAtIndex 7 f release splitting the parts to create the objects Place place Place NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Place inManagedObjectContext context Address address Address NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Address.. insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Place inManagedObjectContext context Address address Address NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Address inManagedObjectContext context Location location Location NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName.. @ Address inManagedObjectContext context Location location Location NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Location inManagedObjectContext context set attributes place setValue name forKey @ name address setValue street_1 forKey..

Is there a way to instantiate a NSManagedObject without inserting it?


clicks on the Save button i will call the save function. so down to code transaction Transaction NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Transaction inManagedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext even if i dont call save its going to show up on my table..

Where can I find a good example of a Core Data to-many relationship?


something like this NSManagedObject existingParent ... results of a fetch NSManagedObject newTime NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Time inManagedObjectContext self.moc newTime setValue NSDate date forKey @ theTime newTime setValue existingParent forKey..

Example or explanation of Core Data Migration with multiple passes?


manager error NSError error Create a new object for the model context NSManagedObject newObject NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName mapping destinationEntityName inManagedObjectContext manager destinationContext do our transfer of nsdate to nsstring..

Removing a specific entry/row from Core-Data


the core data storage. I insert some products in to the storage like so NSManagedObject Product NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Product inManagedObjectContext context Product setValue NSNumber numberWithFloat id forKey @ pid Product setValue NSNumber..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


request error error for NSManagedObject object in vehicles NSManagedObject newObject NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName object.entity.name inManagedObjectContext moc check regular values for NSString key in object.entity.attributesByName.allKeys.. cycle through objects for NSManagedObject subObject in relSet NSManagedObject newSubObject NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName subObject.entity.name inManagedObjectContext moc check sub values for NSString subKey in subObject.entity.attributesByName.allKeys..