

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithurl

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


retain NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath recorderFilePath err nil recorder AVAudioRecorder alloc initWithURL url settings recordSetting error err if recorder NSLog @ recorder @ d @ err domain err code err userInfo..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector.. NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will.. will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL aDoneSelector..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


NSURL URLWithString completeString NSMutableURLRequest validationRequest NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL urlForValidation validationRequest setHTTPMethod @ GET NSData responseData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest..

Getting thumbnail from a video url or data in IPhone SDK


at any time in the example its at time 0 void generateImage AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL self.url options nil AVAssetImageGenerator generator AVAssetImageGenerator alloc initWithAsset asset..

Objective-C: Best way to access REST API on your iphone


and site sites NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlbase ASIHTTPRequest request ASIHTTPRequest alloc initWithURL url autorelease request setUsername @ doronkatz 40xx.com request setPassword @ xxx Where urlbase is..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter..

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?


initWithEventId members rsvpStatus fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb.. fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb feedfilters fb findfriends fb..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary.. error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary.. error nil CMTime nextClipStartTime kCMTimeZero AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @.caf DOCUMENTS_FOLDER caldate retain NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath recorderFilePath err nil recorder AVAudioRecorder alloc initWithURL url settings recordSetting error err if recorder NSLog @ recorder @ d @ err domain err code err userInfo description UIAlertView alert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector NSString filePath @end Main #import.. NSData data void uploadSucceeded BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader... Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL aDoneSelector IN errorSelector SEL anErrorSelector IN if self super..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


your php receipt @ jsonObjectString NSURL urlForValidation NSURL URLWithString completeString NSMutableURLRequest validationRequest NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL urlForValidation validationRequest setHTTPMethod @ GET NSData responseData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest validationRequest returningResponse nil error..

Getting thumbnail from a video url or data in IPhone SDK


url is the movie url will do the trick you can get the thumbnail at any time in the example its at time 0 void generateImage AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL self.url options nil AVAssetImageGenerator generator AVAssetImageGenerator alloc initWithAsset asset generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform TRUE asset release..

Objective-C: Best way to access REST API on your iphone


like call sites so we can confirm username and password and site sites NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlbase ASIHTTPRequest request ASIHTTPRequest alloc initWithURL url autorelease request setUsername @ doronkatz 40xx.com request setPassword @ xxx Where urlbase is a url to a REST site. Now a developer has told me there might..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


lets you add individual frames to a video stream. Essentially you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys..

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?


unsure fb event fbid rsvp fb event initWithEventId fb event initWithEventId members rsvpStatus fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb feedfilters fb findfriends fb findfriends legalese fb findfriends.. fb event initWithEventId fb event initWithEventId members rsvpStatus fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb feedfilters fb findfriends fb findfriends legalese fb findfriends modal fb friends fb friends..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


stringWithFormat @ @ @ documentsDirectoryPath tString error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys.. stringWithFormat @ @ @ documentsDirectoryPath tString error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys.. NSFileManager defaultManager removeItemAtPath outputFilePath error nil CMTime nextClipStartTime kCMTimeZero AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack a_compositionVideoTrack mixComposition..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


caldate retain NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath recorderFilePath err nil recorder AVAudioRecorder alloc initWithURL url settings recordSetting error err if recorder NSLog @ recorder @ d @ err domain err code err userInfo description UIAlertView..

Uploading Video with iPhone


stringWithFormat @ d postData length Setup the request NSMutableURLRequest uploadRequest NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.example.com 3000 cachePolicy NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData timeoutInterval 30..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector.. BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate.. upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL aDoneSelector IN errorSelector..

Verify receipt for in App purchase


urlForValidation NSURL URLWithString completeString NSMutableURLRequest validationRequest NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL urlForValidation validationRequest setHTTPMethod @ GET NSData responseData NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest validationRequest..

Getting thumbnail from a video url or data in IPhone SDK


can get the thumbnail at any time in the example its at time 0 void generateImage AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL self.url options nil AVAssetImageGenerator generator AVAssetImageGenerator alloc initWithAsset asset generator.appliesPreferredTrackTransform..

Changing the userAgent of NSURLConnection


Agent NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http whatsmyuseragent.com NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc initWithURL url autorelease request addValue userAgent forHTTPHeaderField @ User Agent NSURLResponse response nil NSError error nil..

Objective-C: Best way to access REST API on your iphone


username and password and site sites NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlbase ASIHTTPRequest request ASIHTTPRequest alloc initWithURL url autorelease request setUsername @ doronkatz 40xx.com request setPassword @ xxx Where urlbase is a url to a REST site...

How to search MKMapView with UISearchBar?


Setup and start an async download. Note that we should test for reachability . NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest alloc initWithURL url NSURLConnection connection NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate self connection release request release..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


stream. Essentially you ™ll have to 1 Wire the writer NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath somePath fileType AVFileTypeQuickTimeMovie error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


retain assetPictogramFilepath retain NSThread MCSM_performBlockInBackground ^ AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL assetFileURL options nil NSData waveFormData self renderPNGAudioPictogramForAssett asset waveFormData writeToFile assetPictogramFilepath.. NSLog @ Creating waveform pictogram file @ assetPictogramFilepath lastPathComponent AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL assetFileURL options nil NSData waveFormData self renderPNGAudioPictogramForAssett asset waveFormData writeToFile assetPictogramFilepath..

What are all the custom URL schemes supported by the Facebook iPhone app?


fb event initWithEventId members rsvpStatus fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb feedfilters fb findfriends.. members rsvpStatus fb event initWithEventId rsvp fb events fb events fb faceweb initWithURL fb facewebmodal initWithURL fb feed fb feed @ fb feed filter.filterKey fb feed initWithFilterKey fb feedfilters fb findfriends fb findfriends legalese..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


tString error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings.. tString error nil NSLog @ Write Started NSError error nil AVAssetWriter videoWriter AVAssetWriter alloc initWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path fileType AVFileTypeMPEG4 error error NSParameterAssert videoWriter NSDictionary videoSettings.. removeItemAtPath outputFilePath error nil CMTime nextClipStartTime kCMTimeZero AVURLAsset videoAsset AVURLAsset alloc initWithURL video_inputFileUrl options nil CMTimeRange video_timeRange CMTimeRangeMake kCMTimeZero videoAsset.duration AVMutableCompositionTrack..