

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: injecting

iPhone NSData/NSUrl with cookie


domain Thanks iphone http cookies nsurlconnection share improve this question Ok so the way to do this is not injecting headers but setting a cookie manager to always accept cookies. This will then pass on the cookie to subsequent requests...

Inject system wide touch events on iOS7


jailbroken devices. https github.com kif framework KIF looks like another option but it appears that it only supports injecting events for the current app rather than system wide so you couldn't inject a touch event while you're app is in the background..

Disabling visible links in UIWebView


not show as blue when it contains a link within a UIWebView iphone cocoa touch share improve this question Try injecting Javascript into the UIWebView to change the appearance of the links. Removing the href from all anchors should clear the..

UIWebView without Copy/Paste and selection rectangle when showing documents


rectangle feature too s iphone ipad uiwebview selection uiresponder share improve this question You can try injecting javascript into the webView. This code works on the iPhone too but only when the page is fully loaded. http www.javascriptsource.com..

How to disable Copy and Paste in UIWebView


to click on links and goto new pages iphone uiwebview uigesturerecognizer share improve this question You can try injecting javascript into the webView. This code works on the iPhone too but only when the page is fully loaded. http javascript.internet.com..