

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:28

iphone Programming Glossary: insertion

Using insert rows in a UITableView


implementation. Do I need to reload the data when the user starts editing I am doing this because otherwise the insertion rows are never drawn. Thanks. void setEditing BOOL editing animated BOOL animated super setEditing editing animated animated.. animated not needed if super is a UITableViewController NSMutableArray paths NSMutableArray alloc init fill paths of insertion rows here if editing self.tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths paths withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationBottom else self.tableView..

Disabling implicit animations in -[CALayer setNeedsDisplayInRect:]


contents NSNull null @ bounds nil layer.actions newActions newActions release to disable fade in out animations on insertion or change of sublayers within one of my layers as well as changes in the size and contents of the layer. I believe the contents..

how to connect with sqlite in iphone?


Opened else NSLog @ Error in opening database return newDBconnection In your view controller call the method of insertion etc. here i called a method which brings me the data from table sqlite3 db iMemory_SharpenerAppDelegate getNewDBConnection..

SQLite3 database doesn't actually insert data - iPhone


my database but it's not working. There are no errors thrown and the code that is supposed to be executed after the insertion runs meaning there are no errors with the query. But still nothing is added to the database. I've tried both prepared statements..

Can I select a specific block of text in a UITextField?


the last 5 characters before the caret would be like this Get current selected range this example assumes is an insertion point or empty selection UITextRange selectedRange textField selectedTextRange Calculate the new position for left and for..

Editing a UITextField inside a UITableViewCell fails


inside a UITableViewCell . If I click inside the text field and add some text I find that if try to move the insertion point it works the first time but fails on subsequent attempts. I am completely unable to move the selection no magnifying.. to be editable i.e. its editing property needs to be set to YES . The good news is that you are now able to move the insertion point. Sometimes the magnifying glass doesn't appear or follow but your gesture always seems to work. Does this still qualify..

Recreate recipient bubble behaviour in Mail.app / Three20


behaviour you describe is pretty simple too once you have a match that is selected and accepted draw the bubble at the insertion point and change the frame of the UITextField to begin after the bubble. If you're at the beginning of the UITextField frame..

Removing a specific entry/row from Core-Data


id forKey @ pid Product setValue NSNumber numberWithFloat quantity forKey @ pquantity This works fine for insertion. However later in the app I want to remove the entry where for example the pid is 53. How would I go about removing only..

(iPhone) selectedRange for a non-editable UITextView (or other methods of click handling?)


d touchPoint.location This makes sense I suppose as with a non editable UITextView there's no way to select an insertion point but it's doesn't help me any. Another approach would be to calculate using the fact that the Chinese text is fixed..

CoreData error driving me crazy… CoreData: Serious application error. An exception caught from delegate of NSFetchedResultsController


case of the switch statement being performed but this is obviously not happening. Hopefully you can figure out why the insertion is not taking place otherwise come back and let us know what you actually saw when stepping through this method. EDITED..

Retrieve month part from date saved in sqlite database table for displaying month wise data


date that is saved in sqlite database.First of all I would like to thank some of the experts who guided me for proper insertion of a date in to sqlite database table i.e of the following format dateFormatter setDateFormat @ yyyy MM dd HH mm ss I have..