

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inputstream

Pass an argument to selector


USB-Programming on iPhone


currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode set outputstream loop session outputStream open open session session inputStream setDelegate self session inputStream open session inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode.. set outputstream loop session outputStream open open session session inputStream setDelegate self session inputStream open session inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode Then the stream delegate.. loop session outputStream open open session session inputStream setDelegate self session inputStream open session inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode Then the stream delegate will be called this is..

How to Maintain VOIP socket connection in background?


CFWriteStreamSetProperty writeStream kCFStreamNetworkServiceType kCFStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP NSInputStream inputStream NSInputStream readStream NSOutputStream outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream inputStream setDelegate self inputStream.. NSInputStream inputStream NSInputStream readStream NSOutputStream outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream inputStream setDelegate self inputStream setProperty NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP forKey NSStreamNetworkServiceType outputStream setDelegate.. NSInputStream readStream NSOutputStream outputStream NSOutputStream writeStream inputStream setDelegate self inputStream setProperty NSStreamNetworkServiceTypeVoIP forKey NSStreamNetworkServiceType outputStream setDelegate self outputStream..

Is there anything like 'getStreamsToHost' on real iPhone device?


NSURL URLWithString str_IP NSHost host NSHost hostWithName website host NSStream getStreamsToHost host port 1100 inputStream nil outputStream &oStream oStream retain oStream setDelegate self oStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode.. kCFBooleanTrue CFWriteStreamSetProperty writeStream kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket kCFBooleanTrue inputStream NSInputStream readStream inputStream retain inputStream setDelegate self inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop.. writeStream kCFStreamPropertyShouldCloseNativeSocket kCFBooleanTrue inputStream NSInputStream readStream inputStream retain inputStream setDelegate self inputStream scheduleInRunLoop NSRunLoop currentRunLoop forMode NSDefaultRunLoopMode..