

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inner

iPhone - dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier usage


I use seems to favor speed as it keeps all calculated cells but can cause large memory consumption unless there's an inner limit to the queue . Am I wrong to use it this way Or is it just up to the developper depending on his needs iphone objective..

Inner Shadow in UILabel


Shadow in UILabel is it possible to create such a UILabel with inner and outer shadow i only know shadowColor and shadowOffset zoomed thanks iphone objective c uilabel share improve this.. 2 1 withFont font UIImage negative UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext UIGraphicsEndImageContext CGImageRef innerShadowRef CGImageCreateWithMask negative.CGImage shadedMask CGImageRelease shadedMask UIImage innerShadow UIImage imageWithCGImage.. CGImageRef innerShadowRef CGImageCreateWithMask negative.CGImage shadedMask CGImageRelease shadedMask UIImage innerShadow UIImage imageWithCGImage innerShadowRef scale UIScreen mainScreen scale orientation UIImageOrientationUp CGImageRelease..

Inner shadow effect on UIView layer?


id RGB 130 0 140 CGColor id RGB 108 0 120 CGColor nil self.layer insertSublayer gradient atIndex 0 I'd like to add an inner shadow effect to it but I am not quite sure how to do this. I suppose I would be required to draw in drawRect however this.. behind some buttons so I am at a loss as to what to do I could add another layer but again not sure how to achieve the inner shadow effect like this Help appreciated... iphone core graphics calayer share improve this question For anyone else.. appreciated... iphone core graphics calayer share improve this question For anyone else wondering how to draw an inner shadow using Core Graphics as per Costique suggestion then this is how on iOS adjust as needed In your drawRect method.....

How to steal touches from UIScrollView?


NO scrollView.canCancelContentTouches NO As one would expect the outer scroll view didn't treat the inner scroll view any different than it treated the picker view so the inner scroll view did not receive the touches. I thought.. expect the outer scroll view didn't treat the inner scroll view any different than it treated the picker view so the inner scroll view did not receive the touches. I thought that it was a long shot but it was simple enough to implement so I thought..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


or attributed with ns_returns_retained Do nothing assume returned object value will be valid in local scope until inner most release pool is drained attributed with ns_returns_autoreleased The call to methodForSelector assumes that the return..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


do anything you want . So the strategy is to let the outer scroll view only handle horizontal scrolling and inner scroll views to only handle vertical scrolling. To accomplish that you must know how UIScrollView works internally. It overrides.. touchesBegan touchesMoved etc it checks if it's interested in the event and either handles or passes it on to the inner components. To decide if the touch is to be handled or to be forwarded UIScrollView starts a timer when you first touch.. when you first touch it If you haven't moved your finger significantly within 150ms it passes the event on to the inner view. If you have moved your finger significantly within 150ms it starts scrolling and never passes the event to the inner..

Core Data's NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and sharing objects between threads


objectWithID moid Do stuff with 'mainMO'. Be careful NOT to use 'mo'. This gets less confusing if you move the inner mainMOC performBlock call into its own method. You may also want to pass an array of object IDs back to the main thread's..

How to highlight a UIButton subclass?


addClip CGContextDrawLinearGradient context redGradient CGPointMake 160 55 CGPointMake 160 5 0 Rounded Rectangle Inner Shadow CGRect roundedRectangleBorderRect CGRectInset roundedRectanglePath bounds shadowBlurRadius shadowBlurRadius roundedRectangleBorderRect..

C# iPhone push server?


gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com catch AuthenticationException e Console.WriteLine Exception 0 e.Message if e.InnerException null Console.WriteLine Inner exception 0 e.InnerException.Message Console.WriteLine Authentication failed.. AuthenticationException e Console.WriteLine Exception 0 e.Message if e.InnerException null Console.WriteLine Inner exception 0 e.InnerException.Message Console.WriteLine Authentication failed closing the connection. client.Close return.. e Console.WriteLine Exception 0 e.Message if e.InnerException null Console.WriteLine Inner exception 0 e.InnerException.Message Console.WriteLine Authentication failed closing the connection. client.Close return ect.... Only..

How to use NSXMLParser to parse parent-child elements that have the same name


else if elementName isEqualToString @ name if depth 1 NSLog @ Outer name tag @ currentName else NSLog @ Inner name tag @ currentName void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString string if currentElement isEqualToString.. line tool that triggers the start method above Document started Current depth 1 Outer name tag Main Current depth 2 Inner name tag Child 1 Current depth 1 Current depth 2 Inner name tag Child 2 Current depth 1 Current depth 0 Document finished..

Inner Shadow in UILabel


Shadow in UILabel is it possible to create such a UILabel with inner and outer shadow i only know shadowColor and shadowOffset..

Inner shadow effect on UIView layer?


shadow effect on UIView layer I have the following CALayer CAGradientLayer gradient CAGradientLayer layer gradient.frame..

Animate a custom property using CoreAnimation in Monotouch?


circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X Radius centerPoint.Y Radius Radius 2 Radius 2 Inner circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X InnerRadius centerPoint.Y InnerRadius InnerRadius 2 .. centerPoint.Y Radius Radius 2 Radius 2 Inner circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X InnerRadius centerPoint.Y InnerRadius InnerRadius 2 InnerRadius 2 Fill in circle context.SetFillColor Color context.SetShadowWithColor.. Radius 2 Radius 2 Inner circle context.AddEllipseInRect new RectangleF centerPoint.X InnerRadius centerPoint.Y InnerRadius InnerRadius 2 InnerRadius 2 Fill in circle context.SetFillColor Color context.SetShadowWithColor GlowOffset..