

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inputstring

Iphone - How to encrypt NSData with public key and decrypt with private key?


void testAsymmetricEncryptionAndDecryption uint8_t plainBuffer uint8_t cipherBuffer uint8_t decryptedBuffer const char inputString How to Encrypt data with public key and Decrypt data with private key int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since.. const char inputString How to Encrypt data with public key and Decrypt data with private key int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since i know inputString length will be less than BUFFER_SIZE if len BUFFER_SIZE len BUFFER_SIZE 1 plainBuffer.. data with public key and Decrypt data with private key int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since i know inputString length will be less than BUFFER_SIZE if len BUFFER_SIZE len BUFFER_SIZE 1 plainBuffer uint8_t calloc BUFFER_SIZE sizeof..

RSA implementations in Objective C


void testAsymmetricEncryptionAndDecryption uint8_t plainBuffer uint8_t cipherBuffer uint8_t decryptedBuffer const char inputString This is a test demo for RSA Implementation in Objective C int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since i know inputString.. decryptedBuffer const char inputString This is a test demo for RSA Implementation in Objective C int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since i know inputString length will be less than BUFFER_SIZE if len BUFFER_SIZE len BUFFER_SIZE 1 plainBuffer.. This is a test demo for RSA Implementation in Objective C int len strlen inputString TODO this is a hack since i know inputString length will be less than BUFFER_SIZE if len BUFFER_SIZE len BUFFER_SIZE 1 plainBuffer uint8_t calloc BUFFER_SIZE sizeof..

Sha256 in Objective-C for iPhone


in Objective C for iPhone When I use this code to create a sha256 of a string unsigned char hashedChars 32 NSString inputString inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256.. C for iPhone When I use this code to create a sha256 of a string unsigned char hashedChars 32 NSString inputString inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256 inputData.bytes.. unsigned char hashedChars 32 NSString inputString inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256 inputData.bytes inputData.length hashedChars It returns the hash correctly..

Remove More Than 2 Trailing zero


c string formatting precision share improve this question TESTED CODE 100 WORKS INPUT 12.74 OR 12.745 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.74f NSLog @ inputString @ n n inputString OUTPUT inputString.. share improve this question TESTED CODE 100 WORKS INPUT 12.74 OR 12.745 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.74f NSLog @ inputString @ n n inputString OUTPUT inputString 12.74 INPUT 12.00 OR 12.000.. INPUT 12.74 OR 12.745 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.74f NSLog @ inputString @ n n inputString OUTPUT inputString 12.74 INPUT 12.00 OR 12.000 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString..