

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: injected

Linker Error: iPhone Unit Test Bundle referencing App classes


I haven't been able to resolve the App executable any better than the above. The net result is a working unit test injected into the Testing target without any linker errors. The tests run and access the classes as expected. EDIT Bundle Loader..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


to a global variable BookWarehouse warehouse BookWarehouse getSingleton ... Instead the dependencies should be injected like this @implementation BookPickerViewController void initWithWarehouse BookWarehouse warehouse myBookWarehouse is an.. warehouse myBookWarehouse retain void doSomething I need to do something with the BookWarehouse object which was injected for me myBookWarehouse listBooks ... When the Apple guys are talking about using the delegation pattern to communicate back..

Can I use username and password information from UITextFields to log onto a website in a UIWebView automatically?


had the solution but were missing the implementation. Hope the above helps. btw to add a dynamic variable into the injected javascript use void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView NSString injectedVariable @ userNameHere NSString injectedString.. btw to add a dynamic variable into the injected javascript use void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView NSString injectedVariable @ userNameHere NSString injectedString NSString stringWithFormat @ var field document.getElementById 'oauth_signup_client_fullname'.. injected javascript use void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView NSString injectedVariable @ userNameHere NSString injectedString NSString stringWithFormat @ var field document.getElementById 'oauth_signup_client_fullname' field.value ' @' injectedVariable..

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?


such as CoreTelephony . As this is a jailbroken app I may resort to screen scraping the the carrier name with injected code in the SpringBoard but I would really rather prefer not to go that route. Any advice much appreciated. Thanks. iphone..

Phonegap Xcode iOS app crashes when status bar is tapped


I found a workaround though. You need to patch phonegap by commenting out the creation of invsible iframe which is injected by phonegap to communicate with the native side. In fact this iframe causes all kinds of rendering issues not only the status..