

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithtimeinterval

How to convert time to the timezone of the iPhone device?


sourceDate NSTimeInterval interval destinationGMTOffset sourceGMTOffset NSDate destinationDate NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval interval sinceDate sourceDate autorelease To get a list of available timezones on your system use NSTimeZone knownTimeZoneNames..

pause button when pressed again to resume reloading view controllers


distantFuture void resumeTimer float pauseTime 1 pauseStart timeIntervalSinceNow timer setFireDate previousFireDate initWithTimeInterval pauseTime sinceDate previousFireDate pauseStart release previousFireDate release void displayviewsAction id sender First..

How do I break down an NSTimeInterval into year, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds on iPhone?


sysCalendar NSCalendar currentCalendar Create the NSDates NSDate date1 NSDate alloc init NSDate date2 NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval theTimeInterval sinceDate date1 Get conversion to months days hours minutes unsigned int unitFlags NSHourCalendarUnit NSMinuteCalendarUnit..

How make a game loop on the iPhone without using NSTimer


destDate Your logic draw code goes here Drain the pool pool drain Calculate the new date NSDate newDate NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval 1.0f 45 sinceDate destDate destDate release destDate newDate while shouldContinueGameLoop destDate release share improve..

GMT time on iPhone


Number of weeks in month


sysCalendar NSCalendar currentCalendar Create the NSDates NSDate date1 NSDate alloc init NSDate date2 NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval timeDifference sinceDate date1 Get conversion to months days hours minutes unsigned int unitFlags NSWeekCalendarUnit NSYearCalendarUnit..

iPhone - get number of days between two dates


midnightBeforeFromDateComponents midnightBeforeFromDateComponents release NSDate midnightAfterFromDate NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval 60.0 60.0 24.0 sinceDate midnightBeforeFromDate NSTimeInterval timeIntervalBetweenToDateAndMidnightBeforeFromDate adjustedToDate..

How can I programmatically create an iCal event in the default calendar?


dateEnd self.event.calendar defaultCal Alternative code to add 2.5 hours to start time. NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval 9000 sinceDate event.startDate Search for events which match this date time start and end. Compare the matched events by..

How to show different clock from different time zones in iPhone app


NSDate is not returning my local Time zone /default time zone of device


How to add events in iPhone using Event Kit framework


@ Event Title event.title txtTitle.text NSDate duedate pkrDate.date event.startDate duedate event.endDate NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval 600 sinceDate duedate if switchAlarm.on TRUE NSArray arrAlarm NSArray arrayWithObject EKAlarm alarmWithAbsoluteDate duedate..

How to program a real-time accurate audio sequencer on the iphone?


your answer. It brought me a step further but unfortunately not to the aim. Here is what I did nextBeat NSDate alloc initWithTimeIntervalSinceNow 0.1 NSThread detachNewThreadSelector @selector drumLoop toTarget self withObject nil In the initialisation I store.. note 1 channelGroupId 0 pitch 1.0f pan .5 gain 1.0 loop NO if step 16 step 0 NSDate newNextBeat NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval 0.1 sinceDate nextBeat nextBeat release nextBeat newNextBeat NSThread sleepUntilDate nextBeat In the sequence loop I set..

iphone Convert NSDate from server to local device time and compare


destinationGMTOffset NSTimeInterval interval destinationGMTOffset sourceGMTOffset NSDate destinationDate NSDate alloc initWithTimeInterval interval sinceDate sourceDate NSString thePubDate dateFormatter stringFromDate destinationDate NSLog @ Result @ thePubDate..