

2014/10/15 ¤U¤Č 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inline

Resizing UIimages pulled from the Camera also ROTATES the UIimage?


will resize your image and rotate it to the correct orientation. If you need the definition for radians it is static inline double radians double degrees return degrees M_PI 180 The answer Daniel gave is also correct but it suffers from the problem..

How to Rotate a UIImage 90 degrees?


iphone uikit uiimage core graphics rotation share improve this question What about something like static inline double radians double degrees return degrees M_PI 180 UIImage rotate UIImage src UIImageOrientation orientation UIGraphicsBeginImageContext..

How to check for local Wi-Fi (not just cellular connection) using iPhone SDK?


to check whether Wi Fi is available for my application #import SystemConfiguration SystemConfiguration.h static inline BOOL addressReachable const struct sockaddr_in hostAddress BOOL localWiFiAvailable struct sockaddr_in localWifiAddress bzero.. localWifiAddress.sin_addr.s_addr htonl IN_LINKLOCALNETNUM return addressReachable localWifiAddress static inline BOOL addressReachable const struct sockaddr_in hostAddress const SCNetworkReachabilityRef target SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress..

How do I do inline assembly on the IPhone?


do I do inline assembly on the IPhone How is it done What steps do I need to take and what pitfalls and gotchas are there to consider.. How is it done What steps do I need to take and what pitfalls and gotchas are there to consider iphone assembly inline assembly share improve this question I've gotten this to work thanks to some inside help over at the Apple Devforums.. thing's first it's __asm__ not plain asm . Secondly by default XCode generates a compilation target that compiles inline assembly against the ARM Thumb instruction set so usat wasn't recognized as a proper instruction. To fix this do Get Info..

Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?


an accordion type of uitableviewcell that when the user selects the cell it expands to display a detailed info view inline similar to how the digg app works. I initially tried replacing the current tablecell with a customcell in cellForRowAtIndex..

Web site exhibits JavaScript error on iPad / iPhone under 3G but not under WiFi


it to iPhones and iPads. Probably before sending it to any device running a mobile browser. They non deterministically inline some of the CSS and JavaScript into the main source files of the web pages. This can create errors either because of mistakes.. on your site which all link to jQuery libraries. Instead of letting your mobile browser locally cache the library O2 inline the library on every page forcing your phone to load the entire library over and over again for every page. I've written..

What does this ^ syntax mean in Objective-C?


are similar to but far more powerful than traditional function pointers. The key differences are Blocks can be defined inline as œanonymous functions. Blocks capture read only copies of local variables similar to œclosures in other languages This is..

HTML5 inline video on iPhone vs iPad/Browser


inline video on iPhone vs iPad Browser I've created an HTML5 video player very simple that works perfectly on the iPad and the.. filed a bug with Apple. After a couple of weeks they got back to me saying very simply that I should add webkit playsinline to the video tag on the HTML as well as adding the allowsInlineMediaPlayback property on the UIWebView. So in the end this.. on the UIWebView. So in the end this is what it looks like HTML video id player width 480 height 320 webkit playsinline Obj C webview.allowsInlineMediaPlayback YES And all works just fine Hope this helps someone as it's virtually undocumented..

How to fix jQuery Mobile's fixed footer?


UPDATE It seems that the click event modifies the current page's footer and changes ui fixed overlay to ui fixed inline which of course is styled display none to prevent the other pages' footers from appearing. How can I prevent this modification..

Round two corners in UIView


5 parameters the bounds of the image and 4 corner radius top left top right bottom left and bottom right . static inline UIImage MTDContextCreateRoundedMask CGRect rect CGFloat radius_tl CGFloat radius_tr CGFloat radius_bl CGFloat radius_br..

Point in Tilt Direction - iPhone


back fore between degrees and radians just paste in these lines of code that everyone uses #include math.h static inline float degreestoradians double degrees return degrees M_PI 180 static inline float radianstodegrees double degrees return.. that everyone uses #include math.h static inline float degreestoradians double degrees return degrees M_PI 180 static inline float radianstodegrees double degrees return degrees 180 M_PI . where are the axes ... PS here's the incredibly handy diagram..

Detecting iPhone/iPod Touch Accessories


if the iSomething has one connected or not either via the dock connection or using the headphone port such as with the inline headphone microphone accessory from Apple. Edited to add the bit about the types of accessories connected. iphone objective..

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ARC? [closed]


is however quite complicated and subtly notably wrt implementations which may be duplicated by the compiler e.g. an inline function's body may be incorrect . Such mixed mode issues will be very difficult to isolate. ObjC programs and sources will..

Detect different device platforms using CSS


CSS file I'll only provide that here as they are all basically the same div display none #ipadlandscape display inline I would like to know what modifications to make to the link elements to ensure that the ipad gets only its stylesheets the..

iOS crash log catch, debug info.. Catch and send via email to the Dev team


the app which a user has on his device. So what I am looking for is a way to find the log on the device paste it as inline text on a mail and allow the user to send it.. Any ideas Here are the questions again.. 1 Find a debug log on the device.. Here are the questions again.. 1 Find a debug log on the device 2 open the file and attach the contents of the file as inline text in to the mail. 3 Allow the user to email it the next time app launches.. Thanks iphone ios email crash share improve..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


and can optimize out the ones that aren't actually needed just like it can unroll loops eliminate temporary variables inline functions etc. OK now I will tell you about the small downsides If you're a long time ObjC developer you will twitch for..