

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: insection

iPhone: Hide UITableView search bar by default


tableview to the first row it 'hides' the searchbar yourTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Make sure to not scroll the tableview before it contains data..

how do you determine spacing between cells in UICollectionView flowLayout


frame return currentItemAttributes NSIndexPath previousIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem indexPath.item 1 inSection indexPath.section CGRect previousFrame self layoutAttributesForItemAtIndexPath previousIndexPath .frame CGFloat previousFrameRightPoint..

How do I select a UITableViewCell by default?


wanted to select the first item in the first section myTableView selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop I'm using this technique to select one of two cells so the users..

How to make Supplementary View float in UICollectionView as Section Headers do in UITableView plain style


enumerateIndexesUsingBlock ^ NSUInteger idx BOOL stop NSIndexPath indexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem 0 inSection idx UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes layoutAttributes self layoutAttributesForSupplementaryViewOfKind UICollectionElementKindSectionHeader.. numberOfItemsInSection cv numberOfItemsInSection section NSIndexPath firstCellIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem 0 inSection section NSIndexPath lastCellIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem MAX 0 numberOfItemsInSection 1 inSection section NSIndexPath.. 0 inSection section NSIndexPath lastCellIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem MAX 0 numberOfItemsInSection 1 inSection section NSIndexPath firstObjectIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForItem 0 inSection section NSIndexPath lastObjectIndexPath..

UITableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath


userDefaults valueForKey @ content_row intValue NSIndexPath ndxPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow rowToHighlight inSection 0 contentTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ndxPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated YES void viewWillDisappear..

Select all the cells in UITableView


a cell calling table view's selectRowAtIndexPath method menuTable selectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 animated NO scrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop However you can't select multiple cells in a UITableView. If you..

Need approach to show tables using segmented control?


view if self tableView self.tableView numberOfRowsInSection 0 0 NSIndexPath topIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 self.tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath topIndexPath atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Then in..

How to Start UITableView on the Last Cell?


work. In viewWillAppear try this theTableView reloadData NSIndexPath ip NSIndexPath indexPathForRow rowNumberHere inSection sectionNumberHere theTableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ip atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO rowNumberHere.. int lastRowNumber tableView numberOfRowsInSection 0 1 NSIndexPath ip NSIndexPath indexPathForRow lastRowNumber inSection 0 tableView scrollToRowAtIndexPath ip atScrollPosition UITableViewScrollPositionTop animated NO Please note numberOfRowsInSection..

How to dynamically resize UITableViewCell height


UITableView add cell Animation


self.dataSource addObject @ New Item NSIndexPath newIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow self.dataSource count inSection 0 tableView insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject newIndexPath withRowAnimation UITableViewRowAnimationFade share..

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with CoreData


^ MyNSManagedObject mObject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 heavy lifting update mObject self saveManagedObjectContext As a result of self saveManagedObjectContext fetchResultsController.. ^ MyNSManagedObject mObject blockSelf.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 update and heavy lifting... dispatch_sync main_queue ^ blockSelf saveManagedObjectContext The use of blockSelf is to..

Accessing UITextField in a custom UITableViewCell


the keyboard if indexPath.row kPasswordConfirmField NSIndexPath sibling NSIndexPath indexPathForRow indexPath.row 1 inSection indexPath.section CustomCell cell CustomCell self.tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath sibling cell.cellTextField becomeFirstResponder.. I move the focus to the first row in next section NSIndexPath sibling NSIndexPath indexPathForRow kFirstNameField inSection kOptionalSection MemberLoginCell cell MemberLoginCell self.memberTableView cellForRowAtIndexPath sibling cell.cellTextField..

How to limit UITableView row reordering to a section
