

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inject

iPhone NSData/NSUrl with cookie


stream the audio. It doesn't look like the cookie is getting picked up by the native HTTP request. Is there anyway to inject the cookie into the above request or otherwise ensure that a cookie gets added against a given domain Thanks iphone http.. domain Thanks iphone http cookies nsurlconnection share improve this question Ok so the way to do this is not injecting headers but setting a cookie manager to always accept cookies. This will then pass on the cookie to subsequent requests...

Inject system wide touch events on iOS7


system wide touch events on iOS7 Prior to iOS7 it was possible to inject touch events with the GSSendSystemEvent and GSSendEvent private API calls eg GSSendEvent Inject Touch Event iOS Simulating.. jailbroken devices. https github.com kif framework KIF looks like another option but it appears that it only supports injecting events for the current app rather than system wide so you couldn't inject a touch event while you're app is in the background.. but it appears that it only supports injecting events for the current app rather than system wide so you couldn't inject a touch event while you're app is in the background for example . So how can you inject system wide touch events on iOS7..

iPhone HTML5 App Scrolling Question


UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


copy Safari's behaviour for this void openContextualMenuAt CGPoint pt Load the JavaScript code from the Resources and inject it into the web page NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ JSTools ofType @ js NSString jsCode NSString stringWithContentsOfFile..

How would you keep secret data secret in an iPhone application?


you can access. The user can spoof anything you can imagine using to uniquely identify a given device. The user can inject code into your process to do things like inspect the keychain. Search for MobileSubstrate to see what I mean. Sorry you're..

UIWebView without Copy/Paste and selection rectangle when showing documents


rectangle feature too s iphone ipad uiwebview selection uiresponder share improve this question You can try injecting javascript into the webView. This code works on the iPhone too but only when the page is fully loaded. http www.javascriptsource.com.. when the page is only half loaded or still loading you'll proably have to use a setup similar to this one where you inject the disabling javascript just as it would start selecting. http www.icab.de blog 2010 07 11 customize the contextual menu..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


in the Stanford presentation are much easier to understand if you think about them in the context of the dependency injection design pattern. In a nutshell this means that your controller shouldn't look up the objects it needs to do its job e.g... shouldn't look up the objects it needs to do its job e.g. reference a global variable . Instead you should always inject those dependencies into the controller i.e. pass in the objects it needs via methods . If you follow the dependency injection.. those dependencies into the controller i.e. pass in the objects it needs via methods . If you follow the dependency injection pattern your controller will be modular and reusable. And if you think about where the Stanford presenters are coming..

UIWebView respond to Javascript calls


iphone objective c uiwebview share improve this question When the page is finished loaded webViewDidFinishLoad inject a window.open override. Of course it will not work for window.open which are called during page load. Then use a custom..

How to disable Copy and Paste in UIWebView


to click on links and goto new pages iphone uiwebview uigesturerecognizer share improve this question You can try injecting javascript into the webView. This code works on the iPhone too but only when the page is fully loaded. http javascript.internet.com.. when the page is only half loaded or still loading you'll proably have to use a setup similar to this one where you inject the disabling javascript just as it would start selecting. http www.icab.de blog 2010 07 11 customize the contextual menu..

UIWebView CSS injection using JavaScript


CSS injection using JavaScript I'm trying to inject a local css file into an UIWebView that finished loading website such as google.. CSS injection using JavaScript I'm trying to inject a local css file into an UIWebView that finished loading website such as google etc. I'm trying with JavaScript but with.. js Thanks javascript iphone css ios uiwebview share improve this question To inject javascript into a web view you must explicitly write in the html. An example of this is here where I wrote in a javascript..

Can I use username and password information from UITextFields to log onto a website in a UIWebView automatically?


Thanks. iphone ios uiwebview autologin share improve this question assuming your website has div tags you can inject using stringByEvaluatingJavsScriptFromString. This example injects a username into the twitter sign up page. You can test.. assuming your website has div tags you can inject using stringByEvaluatingJavsScriptFromString. This example injects a username into the twitter sign up page. You can test it by loading this in your viewDidLoad NSString urlString @ https.. NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL url webView loadRequest request and then in webViewDidFinishLoad inject the username void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString @ var field document.getElementById..

intercept copy, paste, define popover in UIWebView


How to write exif metadata to an image (not the camera roll, just a UIImage or JPEG)


I want to save an image or upload it somewhere with exif intact. I have exif data as an NSDictionary. But how can I inject it properly into a UIImage or probably an NSData JPEG representation iphone ios ios5 exif share improve this question..