

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: injection

To reterive BLOB image from sqlite


addStatement sqlite3_close database Using binded values helps prevent inserting invalid data which could be a SQL injection attack and improves query performance for queries that are run often. Note If you are going to be doing a lot of SQL consider..

Communication between view controllers


is the best way to communicate between the two controllers I have seen a post on this site which mentions dependancy injection and that the root controller could pass the User object to the second level controller by @implementation SecondLevelViewController..

Why does Core Data initialization fail when I attempt to do it at these points?


appDelegate managedObjectContext retain This is bad form. It introduces coupling into your design. Use dependency injection just like the example. It makes your app more flexible. Because from the app delegate you know exactly what initialization..

iPhone UIImage upload to web service


submitting 31 32 33 65 66 67 which obviously isn't valid XML. Don't glue strings together it'll be vulnerable to XML injection among other things . I would drop SOAP and just use req addValue @ image jpeg forHTTPHeaderField @ Content Type req setHTTPBody..

Passing managedObjectContext along to view/controller hierarchy


it. iphone core data software design share improve this question The recommended design is to do a dependency injection. This means that when you create a UIViewController you pass in the NSManagedObjectContext via a property. If the UIViewController..

Problem using NSURLRequest to POST data to server


Why does Javascript run so slow on iPhone?


be optimized. Another option is to use a templating engine. The main DOM manipulations are done through innerHTML injection which is fast even on mobiles. We've built a mobile version of our web app and we use PURE an open source JS lib we created..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


in the Stanford presentation are much easier to understand if you think about them in the context of the dependency injection design pattern. In a nutshell this means that your controller shouldn't look up the objects it needs to do its job e.g... those dependencies into the controller i.e. pass in the objects it needs via methods . If you follow the dependency injection pattern your controller will be modular and reusable. And if you think about where the Stanford presenters are coming from.. and modularity are high priorities. All of the best practices they mention for sharing data are part of dependency injection. That's the gist of my response. I'll include an example of using the dependency injection pattern with a controller below..

UIWebView CSS injection using JavaScript


CSS injection using JavaScript I'm trying to inject a local css file into an UIWebView that finished loading website such as google etc...

How simplify iPhone localization?


than on Mac because iPhone doesn't have bindings and iPhone NIBs are generally simpler anyway. You can also use text injection for NIBs that have very small amounts of text like a title . Text injection is a fancy way of saying use an outlet for the.. simpler anyway. You can also use text injection for NIBs that have very small amounts of text like a title . Text injection is a fancy way of saying use an outlet for the label and set it to the localized text when you load the view. ibtool is.. language in the NIB than to come up with layout logic that would look good in all languages see first paragraph . Text injection was only useful in a handful of places. If you can split your NIBs up into ones that need to be localized and those that..