

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: insert

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


is added to a view hierarchy directly the view controller will not receive this message. If you insert or add a view to the view hierarchy and it has a view controller you should send the associated view..

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController


to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController I want to insert a UIImage s inside the compose sheet of an MFMailComposerViewController . Please note I don't want to.. it however you want emailBody appendString @ p Some email body text can go here p Pick an image to insert This example would come from the main bundle but your source can be elsewhere UIImage emailImage UIImage..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


information in NSUserDefaults but this isn't working. NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value ' Player 0x3b0cc90 ' of class 'Player'. That is the error message I get when I put..

iPhone app in landscape mode


resolved. As you can see in the demo project you can swap out leave only the raw app window and insert another landscape view with no problem. As of April 2011 there is no reason to support anything below..

Why NSUserDefaults failed to save NSMutableDictionary in iPhone SDK?


both are conform to NSCoding . I am getting this error NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value.... of class NSCFDictionary. Any solution for this iphone objective c cocoa touch..

How to distribute ios application wirelessly without managing UDIDs and recompilation


url http mycompany.com php installApp.php app myappname In your PHP functions you would just insert myappname into the other PHP calls which would pull the proper files from your server. Using this method..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


information is given. I've found some information http www.ketzler.de 2011 01 resign an iphone app insert new bundle id and send to xcode organizer for upload And this might be possible. The problem I'm facing..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


share improve this question You can begin from the simplest removeFromSuperview insertSubview and add code to it little by little. SwitchViewController.h #import @class BlueViewController.. nonatomic retain YellowViewController yellowViewController @end 1. remove yellow view and insert blue view IBAction switchViews id sender if self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view.. self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view removeFromSuperview self.view insertSubview blueViewController.view atIndex 0 2. appear insert disappear remove if blueViewController.view.superview..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


Docs state Warning If the view belonging to a view controller is added to a view hierarchy directly the view controller will not receive this message. If you insert or add a view to the view hierarchy and it has a view controller you should send the associated view controller this message directly. Failing to send the view..

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController


to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController I want to insert a UIImage s inside the compose sheet of an MFMailComposerViewController . Please note I don't want to attach them but I want to place them in a table using HTML.. alloc initWithString @ html body retain Add some text to it however you want emailBody appendString @ p Some email body text can go here p Pick an image to insert This example would come from the main bundle but your source can be elsewhere UIImage emailImage UIImage imageNamed @ myImageName.png Convert the image into data..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


to them to last between sessions. Before I was putting all my information in NSUserDefaults but this isn't working. NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value ' Player 0x3b0cc90 ' of class 'Player'. That is the error message I get when I put my custom class Player in the NSUserDefaults. Now I've read..

iPhone app in landscape mode


bad problem of landscape only working the first time has been resolved. As you can see in the demo project you can swap out leave only the raw app window and insert another landscape view with no problem. As of April 2011 there is no reason to support anything below 4.0 so the question is now only a historic curiosity. It's..

Why NSUserDefaults failed to save NSMutableDictionary in iPhone SDK?


implements NSCoding . Per document NSString and NSArray both are conform to NSCoding . I am getting this error NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value.... of class NSCFDictionary. Any solution for this iphone objective c cocoa touch nsuserdefaults nscoding share improve this question I..

How to distribute ios application wirelessly without managing UDIDs and recompilation


pass in the url like this itms services action download manifest url http mycompany.com php installApp.php app myappname In your PHP functions you would just insert myappname into the other PHP calls which would pull the proper files from your server. Using this method you don't need to store plist files for any of your apps..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


tells me simply that it couldn't install the app. No more information is given. I've found some information http www.ketzler.de 2011 01 resign an iphone app insert new bundle id and send to xcode organizer for upload And this might be possible. The problem I'm facing is that it doesn't seem to embed the mobile provisioning..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


to replicate that right iphone uikit uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller share improve this question You can begin from the simplest removeFromSuperview insertSubview and add code to it little by little. SwitchViewController.h #import @class BlueViewController @class YellowViewController @interface SwitchViewController.. nonatomic retain BlueViewController blueViewController @property nonatomic retain YellowViewController yellowViewController @end 1. remove yellow view and insert blue view IBAction switchViews id sender if self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view removeFromSuperview self.view insertSubview blueViewController.view.. view and insert blue view IBAction switchViews id sender if self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view removeFromSuperview self.view insertSubview blueViewController.view atIndex 0 2. appear insert disappear remove if blueViewController.view.superview nil blueViewController viewWillAppear YES yellowViewController..

Autorotate a single UIViewController in iOS 6 with UITabBar


return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskAll Tell the system It should autorotate BOOL shouldAutorotate return YES so i insert the code above only in my UIViewController that I want use also in landscape but don't work anyone knows how i can do it..

iPhone viewWillAppear not firing


to a view controller is added to a view hierarchy directly the view controller will not receive this message. If you insert or add a view to the view hierarchy and it has a view controller you should send the associated view controller this message..

Difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray


Using insert rows in a UITableView


insert rows in a UITableView I'd like my UITableView to behave like the the table in the Contacts editor i.e. the user should.. implementation. Do I need to reload the data when the user starts editing I am doing this because otherwise the insertion rows are never drawn. Thanks. void setEditing BOOL editing animated BOOL animated super setEditing editing animated animated.. items count return UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert return UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete iphone uitableview insert editing share improve this question I was missing one thing. In setEditing instead of calling reloadData I should have..

How to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController


to add a UIImage in MailComposer Sheet of MFMailComposeViewController I want to insert a UIImage s inside the compose sheet of an MFMailComposerViewController . Please note I don't want to attach them but I.. Add some text to it however you want emailBody appendString @ p Some email body text can go here p Pick an image to insert This example would come from the main bundle but your source can be elsewhere UIImage emailImage UIImage imageNamed @ myImageName.png..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


I was putting all my information in NSUserDefaults but this isn't working. NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value ' Player 0x3b0cc90 ' of class 'Player'. That is the error message I get when I put my custom class Player..

How to Deal with Temporary NSManagedObject instances?


making separate context for in memory store. How do I move objects from one context to another Just using context insertObject Will it work OK in this setup If I insert one object from the graph of objects does the whole graph also get inserted.. How do I move objects from one context to another Just using context insertObject Will it work OK in this setup If I insert one object from the graph of objects does the whole graph also get inserted into context objective c iphone core data .. Will it work OK in this setup If I insert one object from the graph of objects does the whole graph also get inserted into context objective c iphone core data share improve this question The easiest way to do this is to create your..

iphone bullet point list


I know the only way to achieve this and almost any other formatted rich text on the iPhone is to use a UIWebView and insert HTML Code like this ul li Bullet li ul In response to your comment UIWebViews can be beautified by the following peace of..

iPhone app in landscape mode


first time has been resolved. As you can see in the demo project you can swap out leave only the raw app window and insert another landscape view with no problem. As of April 2011 there is no reason to support anything below 4.0 so the question..

Why NSUserDefaults failed to save NSMutableDictionary in iPhone SDK?


NSString and NSArray both are conform to NSCoding . I am getting this error NSUserDefaults setObject forKey Attempt to insert non property value.... of class NSCFDictionary. Any solution for this iphone objective c cocoa touch nsuserdefaults nscoding..

What is the use of -[NSUserDefaults registerDefaults:]?


let's say a property with the key name 'Welcome message' you could instead of having the property returning nil insert a default message 'Welcome first time user' that will be displayed when there have been no changes to the property. This..

Is it good practice to use AppDelegate for data manipulation and Handling?


an object of AppDelegate and using it throughout my program and I have declared all setters and getters and also insert select delete update queries of database in it. I want to ask that is it a good practice to do so if yes then how and if..

Can you use cancel/isCancelled with GCD/dispatch_async?


this system you can nest as deep as you want and the one CHECKER pseudocall will always take you right out. You can insert CHECKERs anywhere you want. self buildGuts Note that any time 'CHECKER' goes off' you must fall through to exactly here...

How to distribute ios application wirelessly without managing UDIDs and recompilation


action download manifest url http mycompany.com php installApp.php app myappname In your PHP functions you would just insert myappname into the other PHP calls which would pull the proper files from your server. Using this method you don't need..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


the app. No more information is given. I've found some information http www.ketzler.de 2011 01 resign an iphone app insert new bundle id and send to xcode organizer for upload And this might be possible. The problem I'm facing is that it doesn't..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


uitabbarcontroller share improve this question You can begin from the simplest removeFromSuperview insertSubview and add code to it little by little. SwitchViewController.h #import @class BlueViewController @class YellowViewController.. blueViewController @property nonatomic retain YellowViewController yellowViewController @end 1. remove yellow view and insert blue view IBAction switchViews id sender if self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view removeFromSuperview.. id sender if self.blueViewController.view.superview nil yellowViewController.view removeFromSuperview self.view insertSubview blueViewController.view atIndex 0 2. appear insert disappear remove if blueViewController.view.superview nil blueViewController..

SQLite Exception: SQLite Busy


Exception SQLite Busy Can anyone provide any input on this error. I am trying to insert into table using Objective C. While I am doing this I am getting an error SQLite Busy. Why this is happening iphone objective..

To reterive BLOB image from sqlite


is a minimal example query does not need to be an NSString but just a const char replace all @ with const char sql INSERT INTO AnimalsTable name ... imageData values ... if sqlite3_open appDelegate.sqlFile UTF8String database SQLITE_OK sqlite3_prepare_v2..

Read large file into sqlite table in objective-C on iPhone


field2 parts objectAtIndex 2 NSString field3 parts objectAtIndex 3 NSString loadSQLi NSString alloc initWithFormat @ INSERT INTO TABLE TABLE FIELD0 FIELD2 FIELD3 VALUES ' @' ' @' ' @' field0 field2 field3 if sqlite3_exec db_table loadSQLi UTF8String..

How to insert multiple row of data to sqlite database by iphone programming


const char sql2 DELETE FROM user sqlite3_prepare_v2 db sql2 1 statement1 NULL sqlite3_step statement1 const char sql1 INSERT INTO user id name VALUES '0' 'ash' '3' 'karna' '2' 'kumar' '5' 'siva' const char sql1 INSERT INTO user id name VALUES '0'.. const char sql1 INSERT INTO user id name VALUES '0' 'ash' '3' 'karna' '2' 'kumar' '5' 'siva' const char sql1 INSERT INTO user id name VALUES '0' 'xxx' int result sqlite3_prepare_v2 db sql1 1 insert_MyObj_statement NULL NSAssert1 result..

Using NSURLRequest to pass key-value pairs to PHP script with POST


con mysql_connect host user pass if con die 'Could not connect ' . mysql_error mysql_select_db mydb con mysql_query INSERT INTO php_test SENDER RCPT MESSAGE VALUES sender rcpt message echo complete Any ideas php iphone objective c cocoa touch..

SQLite3 database doesn't actually insert data - iPhone


still the information is not saved. Here's my code db Database openDatabase NSString query NSString stringWithFormat @ INSERT INTO lists name VALUES ' @' newField.text NSLog @ Query @ query sqlite3_stmt statement if sqlite3_prepare_v2 db query UTF8String..

Problem using NSURLRequest to POST data to server


die Unable to connect to database. mysql_select_db muradsbi_mydatabase or die Unable to select database. sqlstatement INSERT INTO dbname name email VALUES ' name' ' email' newquery mysql_query sqlstatement link echo 'thanks for your register' and..

Inserting NSData into SQLite on the iPhone


Identifier NSString Name sqlite3 database if sqlite3_open databasePath UTF8String database SQLITE_OK char sql1 INSERT INTO table VALUES ' const char sql2 Identifier cStringUsingEncoding NSString defaultCStringEncoding char sql3 ' ' const.. you could use sqlite3_bind_blob to bind the blob to the prepared statement. sqlite3_stmt insert_statement char sql INSERT INTO table blobcolumn column2 column3 VALUES if sqlite3_prepare_v2 database sql 1 insert_statement NULL SQLITE_OK handle..

upload image from iPhone application


upload a image to server from iPhone application PHP code for upload image is following if isset _POST 'insertImage' INSERT IMAGE method safeData _POST 'insertImage' if method 'true' if isset _POST 'userId' if isset _FILES 'imageFile' if _FILES..

how to store data in database(sqlite)


how outlets work and how to get information from UI elements. SQLite part. SQLite is very easy. You need to have an INSERT query like this char query INSERT INTO myTable field1 field2 VALUES sqlite3_stmt statem sqlite3_prepare_v2 myDB query 1.. information from UI elements. SQLite part. SQLite is very easy. You need to have an INSERT query like this char query INSERT INTO myTable field1 field2 VALUES sqlite3_stmt statem sqlite3_prepare_v2 myDB query 1 statem NULL sqlite3_bind_text statem..

What causes a journal file to be created in SQLite?


in SQLite I started noticing a weird behavior with my SQLite queries for my iPhone application. Whenever I execute an INSERT statement a journal file is created beside my db file the exact filename is userdata.db journal . If I understand the docs.. return values for simplicity sqlite3 db NULL sqlite3_open userdata.db db sqlite3_stmt insertStmt NULL const char query INSERT INTO table VALUES sqlite3_prepare_v2 db query 1 insertStmt NULL sqlite3_bind_int insertStmt 1 0 sqlite3_bind_int insertStmt..

Incorrect NSStringEncoding value 0x0000 detected (using ASIHTTPRequest)


be set for any non zero length response NSString responseString NSData data self responseData if data return nil INSERT THIS BLOCK If the 'data' is present but empty return a simple empty string if data.length 0 return @ assert self.responseEncoding.. if data.length 0 return @ assert self.responseEncoding if you're into runtime asserts uncomment this END OF BLOCK TO INSERT return NSString alloc initWithBytes data bytes length data length encoding self responseEncoding autorelease share improve..

How to POST an object to rails using RestKit?


2 WARNING Can't verify CSRF token authenticity WARNING Can't mass assign protected attributes id 0.3ms BEGIN SQL 0.9ms INSERT INTO lists created_at title updated_at VALUES 1 2 3 RETURNING id created_at Wed 07 Dec 2011 14 34 43 UTC 00 00 title Made..

Incorrect number of objects getting added to mutable array


@ Save NSLog @ am in the save loop NSString insertSQL NSString stringWithFormat @ INSERT INTO reminders name event date bfr val num bod grp VALUES @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ fieldOne.text fieldTwo.text fieldThree.text fieldFour.text..

sqlite datetime data type with iphone NSdate?


qslite table to Data type DATETIME Allow null NO Default value CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Then use an SQL query like this @ INSERT INTO 'scores' 'one' 'two' 'three' VALUES ' d' ' d' ' d' ignoring the date so that it will automatically get the current..

How to accept an invitation in Game Center


is handled like this GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker .inviteHandler ^ GKInvite acceptedInvite NSArray playersToInvite Insert application specific code here to clean up any games in progress. if acceptedInvite GKMatchmakerViewController mmvc..

How can I overlap audio files and combine for iPhone in Xcode?


audioMixInputParametersWithTrack track trackMix setVolume 0.8f atTime startTime self.audioMixParams addObject trackMix Insert audio into track ok track insertTimeRange tRange ofTrack sourceAudioTrack atTime CMTimeMake 0 44100 error error IBAction..

Insert string at cursor position of UITextField


string at cursor position of UITextField I've got a few UITextFields in an UITableView. The user should be able to insert..

Core Data memory allocation


set up how the entries are added and how they are fetched. Here is the code for how an entry is created void addItem Insert a new record in the database Customer customerItem NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName @ Customer inManagedObjectContext.. form7 customerItem.form8 form8 customerItem.form9 form9 customerItem.form10 form10 customerItem.form11 form11 Insert a new item in the table's data source customerArray insertObject customerItem atIndex 0 managedObjectContext save error.. new item in the table's data source customerArray insertObject customerItem atIndex 0 managedObjectContext save error Insert a new row in the table NSIndexPath indexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 table insertRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray..

Game Center Invitations Not Displayed


handler installed GKMatchmaker sharedMatchmaker .inviteHandler ^ GKInvite acceptedInvite NSArray playersToInvite Insert application specific code here to clean up any games in progress. if acceptedInvite NSLog @ Accepted GKMatchmakerViewController..

Insert new row in UITableView when tapping first row


new row in UITableView when tapping first row I'm new to iOS development. Therefore it would be nice if your answer could..

Primary Key behaviour in Core Data iPhone


d primaryKey NSUInteger count context countForFetchRequest request error nil request release if count 0 continue Insert data in Managed Object Context Method Two does what you proposed cache the keys in an array and check it instead of going..

Adding view on StatusBar in iPhone


2.0f topCapHeight 0.0f self addSubview backgroundImageView backgroundImageView release TODO Insert subviews labels imageViews etc... return self @end You can now for example in a view controller in your application create..

iPhone CGContext: drawing two lines with two different colors


100 CGContextStrokePath bluecontext thanks for your help iphone line draw cgcontext share improve this question Insert this code just before you set the stroke color the second time CGContextStrokePath bluecontext CGContextBeginPath bluecontext..

iphone-sdk: Adding a textfield to UIAlertview does not work in iOS 4?


Any suggestions Here is my code void addItemAction workoutName UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ New Workout message @ Insert the name of your new workout n delegate self cancelButtonTitle @ Cancel otherButtonTitles @ Done nil workoutName.cancelButtonIndex..

How to Perform a Insert/Update With Core Data


to Perform a Insert Update With Core Data I've got the basics of inserting records and deleting records with Core Data however I'd appreciate..

iPhone : Insert Contact to Address book without any User Interface


Insert Contact to Address book without any User Interface I am working on Address book and Contact related functionalities. In..

sqlite3 database is getting locked


database is getting locked I am creating an application with sqlite. I am performing all kind of task on the database Insert Update Delete Select . For that I open the database every time Then execute my query using sqlite3_step and after the result..

Combining two .caf files on iPhone


audioMixInputParametersWithTrack track trackMix setVolume 0.8f atTime startTime audioMixParams addObject trackMix Insert audio into track ok track insertTimeRange tRange ofTrack sourceAudioTrack atTime CMTimeMake 0 44100 error error The above..

Push notification not receiving on iphone


push certificate apnsCert _SERVER 'DOCUMENT_ROOT' .' apns apns dominos production.pem' Sending push notification Insert your device token here device_token dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 dc6127d8 Some Device..

How do I parse an NSString containing XML in Objective-C?


parse the XML content of this string iphone objective c xml share improve this question Download https github.com Insert Witty Name XML to NSDictionary Then you simply do NSDictionary dic XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString myxml error nil Result..