

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: input

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


self recorder prepareToRecord recorder.meteringEnabled YES BOOL audioHWAvailable audioSession.inputIsAvailable if audioHWAvailable UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning.. UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning message @ Audio input hardware not available delegate nil cancelButtonTitle @ OK otherButtonTitles nil cantRecordAlert..

UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos


with the UIImagePickerController After a deeper look this library seems to take NSData info as an input and the UIImagePickerController returns a UIImage after taking a snapshot. In theory if we use the selected..

iPhone how to check that a string is numeric only


how to check that a string is numeric only How do I validate the string input from a UITextField I want to check that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective.. that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective c nsstring uitextfield input validation share improve this question I use this code in my Mac app the same or similar should..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


return the info NSString name int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation.. int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation Player id init if self super init self.. 0 return self NSString name return name int life return life intValue void setName NSString input input retain if name nil name release name input void setLife NSNumber input input retain if life nil..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


using this function in the first place Let's say we want to perform pitch detection on microphone input and we have set it up so that some callback gets triggered every time the microphone gets in 1024 floats... code Note the 'ip' in vDSP_fft_zrip ' in place ' ie output overwrites A 'r' means it takes real inputs Look at the documentation on vDSP_fft_zrip Real data is stored in split complex form with odd reals.. of the transform to be packed into the same memory footprint as the real but weirdly packaged inputs. vDSP_fft_zrip setupReal A stride log2n FFT_INVERSE and back again... we will still need to unpack..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual.. some samples Or you can use AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor. That lets you feed the writer input data from a CVPixelBuffer that ™s quite easy to create from a CGImage. writerInput appendSampleBuffer..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


@ 01 02 2010 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be.. NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


Page 18 51 Best Practices for Data Flow Figure out exactly what needs to be communicated Define input parameters for your view controller For communicating back up the hierarchy use loose coupling Define..

Faster alternative to glReadPixels in iPhone OpenGL ES 2.0


which was only made available at WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary.. WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary.. input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


show alert release return prepare to record recorder setDelegate self recorder prepareToRecord recorder.meteringEnabled YES BOOL audioHWAvailable audioSession.inputIsAvailable if audioHWAvailable UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning message @ Audio input hardware not available delegate nil.. audioHWAvailable audioSession.inputIsAvailable if audioHWAvailable UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning message @ Audio input hardware not available delegate nil cancelButtonTitle @ OK otherButtonTitles nil cantRecordAlert show cantRecordAlert release return start recording recorder..

UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos


GPS geotags coordinates from the picture that has been taken with the UIImagePickerController After a deeper look this library seems to take NSData info as an input and the UIImagePickerController returns a UIImage after taking a snapshot. In theory if we use the selected from the UIkit category for UIImage NSData UIImageJPEGRepresentation..

iPhone how to check that a string is numeric only


how to check that a string is numeric only How do I validate the string input from a UITextField I want to check that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective c nsstring uitextfield input validation share improve.. I validate the string input from a UITextField I want to check that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective c nsstring uitextfield input validation share improve this question I use this code in my Mac app the same or similar should work with the iPhone. It's based on the RegexKitLite regular..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


NSString name NSNumber life Log of player's life Getting functions return the info NSString name int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation Player id init if self super init self setName @ Player Name.. player's life Getting functions return the info NSString name int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation Player id init if self super init self setName @ Player Name self setLife NSNumber numberWithInt.. numberWithInt 20 self setPsnCounters NSNumber numberWithInt 0 return self NSString name return name int life return life intValue void setName NSString input input retain if name nil name release name input void setLife NSNumber input input retain if life nil life release life input This code has been added to support..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


value. To give some perspective like as in why would we be using this function in the first place Let's say we want to perform pitch detection on microphone input and we have set it up so that some callback gets triggered every time the microphone gets in 1024 floats. Supposing the microphone sampling rate was 44.1kHz so.. to get the precise frequency for a given bin. Ok Now onto the code Note the 'ip' in vDSP_fft_zrip ' in place ' ie output overwrites A 'r' means it takes real inputs Look at the documentation on vDSP_fft_zrip Real data is stored in split complex form with odd reals stored on the imaginary side of the split complex form and.. it is quite neat basically it allows the complex results of the transform to be packed into the same memory footprint as the real but weirdly packaged inputs. vDSP_fft_zrip setupReal A stride log2n FFT_INVERSE and back again... we will still need to unpack our original array from A. then we compare just to check that..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


iphone export uiimage avfoundation share improve this question Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual frames to a video stream. Essentially you ™ll have to.. startWriting videoWriter startSessionAtSourceTime ¦] 3 Write some samples Or you can use AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor. That lets you feed the writer input data from a CVPixelBuffer that ™s quite easy to create from a CGImage. writerInput appendSampleBuffer sampleBuffer 4 Finish the session writerInput markAsFinished..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


this question NSString to NSDate NSString dateString @ 01 02 2010 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate dateFromString.. to NSDate NSString dateString @ 01 02 2010 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate dateFromString NSDate alloc init voila..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


bit further on we get this slide telling us what we should do. Page 18 51 Best Practices for Data Flow Figure out exactly what needs to be communicated Define input parameters for your view controller For communicating back up the hierarchy use loose coupling Define a generic interface for observers like delegation This slide..

Faster alternative to glReadPixels in iPhone OpenGL ES 2.0


article on the subject and Apple's ChromaKey sample application which was only made available at WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary.. sample application which was only made available at WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber.. 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber numberWithInt kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


recorder setDelegate self recorder prepareToRecord recorder.meteringEnabled YES BOOL audioHWAvailable audioSession.inputIsAvailable if audioHWAvailable UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning message @ Audio input.. if audioHWAvailable UIAlertView cantRecordAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Warning message @ Audio input hardware not available delegate nil cancelButtonTitle @ OK otherButtonTitles nil cantRecordAlert show cantRecordAlert..

UIImagePickerController and extracting EXIF data from existing photos


that has been taken with the UIImagePickerController After a deeper look this library seems to take NSData info as an input and the UIImagePickerController returns a UIImage after taking a snapshot. In theory if we use the selected from the UIkit..

iPhone how to check that a string is numeric only


how to check that a string is numeric only How do I validate the string input from a UITextField I want to check that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective c nsstring uitextfield.. I want to check that the string is numeric including decimal points. iphone objective c nsstring uitextfield input validation share improve this question I use this code in my Mac app the same or similar should work with the iPhone...

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


life Getting functions return the info NSString name int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation Player id init if self.. the info NSString name int life id init These are the setters void setName NSString input string void setLife NSNumber input number @end Implementation File #import Player.h @implementation Player id init if self super init self setName @ Player.. NSNumber numberWithInt 0 return self NSString name return name int life return life intValue void setName NSString input input retain if name nil name release name input void setLife NSNumber input input retain if life nil life release life..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


in why would we be using this function in the first place Let's say we want to perform pitch detection on microphone input and we have set it up so that some callback gets triggered every time the microphone gets in 1024 floats. Supposing the.. bin. Ok Now onto the code Note the 'ip' in vDSP_fft_zrip ' in place ' ie output overwrites A 'r' means it takes real inputs Look at the documentation on vDSP_fft_zrip Real data is stored in split complex form with odd reals stored on the imaginary.. the complex results of the transform to be packed into the same memory footprint as the real but weirdly packaged inputs. vDSP_fft_zrip setupReal A stride log2n FFT_INVERSE and back again... we will still need to unpack our original array from..

How do I export UIImage array as a movie?


improve this question Take a look at AVAssetWriter and the rest of the AVFoundation framework . The writer has an input of type AVAssetWriterInput which in turn has a method called appendSampleBuffer that lets you add individual frames to a.. ¦] 3 Write some samples Or you can use AVAssetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor. That lets you feed the writer input data from a CVPixelBuffer that ™s quite easy to create from a CGImage. writerInput appendSampleBuffer sampleBuffer 4 Finish..

Converting NSString to NSDate (and back again)


NSString dateString @ 01 02 2010 NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter.. NSDateFormatter dateFormatter NSDateFormatter alloc init this is imporant we set our input date format to match our input string if format doesn't match you'll get nil from your string so be careful dateFormatter setDateFormat @ dd MM yyyy NSDate..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


us what we should do. Page 18 51 Best Practices for Data Flow Figure out exactly what needs to be communicated Define input parameters for your view controller For communicating back up the hierarchy use loose coupling Define a generic interface..

Faster alternative to glReadPixels in iPhone OpenGL ES 2.0


sample application which was only made available at WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary.. made available at WWDC 2011 . I start by configuring my AVAssetWriter adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary.. adding an input and configuring a pixel buffer input. The following code is used to set up the pixel buffer input NSDictionary sourcePixelBufferAttributesDictionary NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber numberWithInt kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA..

iPhone Accelerate Framework FFT vs Matlab FFT


malloc nOver2 sizeof double fft_data.imagp malloc nOver2 sizeof double for i 0 i n i input i double i 1 printf Input n for i 0 i n i printf d 8g n i input i vDSP_ctozD DSPDoubleComplex input 2 fft_data 1 nOver2 printf FFT Input n for i.. printf Input n for i 0 i n i printf d 8g n i input i vDSP_ctozD DSPDoubleComplex input 2 fft_data 1 nOver2 printf FFT Input n for i 0 i nOver2 i printf d 8g 8g n i fft_data.realp i fft_data.imagp i vDSP_fft_zripD fftSetup fft_data 1 log2n kFFTDirection_Forward.. d 8g 8g n i fft_data.realp i fft_data.imagp i printf d 8g 8g n nOver2 fft_data.imagp 0 0.0 Nyquist return 0 Output is Input 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 FFT Input 0 1 2 1 3 4 2 5 6 3 7 8 4 9 10 5..

array in objective c


the order under NSLOg statement. for e.g my code is int anBray 0 5 89 34 9 189 9 18 9 34 89 34 2 600 2 0 int i NSLog @ Input for i 0 i sizeof anBray sizeof int i NSLog @ anBray i i anBray i actually i am getting the output anBray i 0 anBray..

array length in objective c [duplicate]


18 99 189 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 89 34 2 600 2 0 int i NSLog @ Input for i 0 i sizeof anBray sizeof int i NSLog @ anBray i i i anBray i NSLog @ Output myFunction i anBray return 0 void myFunction..

libraries to CAPTURE panorama in iOS 6


project . When you have openCV working this should be the quickest way to get started with your query Stitcher stitch InputArray images OutputArray pano Parameters images Input images. pano Final pano. Then to speed it up if you have them provide.. the quickest way to get started with your query Stitcher stitch InputArray images OutputArray pano Parameters images Input images. pano Final pano. Then to speed it up if you have them provide regions of interest rects indicating where photos.. Then to speed it up if you have them provide regions of interest rects indicating where photos overlap Stitcher stitch InputArray images const std vector std vector Rect rois OutputArray pano You can dig into the stitching pipeline to optimise many..

iPhone: fast hash function for storing web images (url) as files (hashed filenames)


on the file system. The hash function doesn't need to be cryptographic but it definitely needs to be fast. Example Input http www.calumetphoto.com files iccprofiles icc test image.jpg Output 3573ed9c4d3a5b093355b2d8a1468509 This was done by..

Disable Auto Zoom in Input “Text” tag - Safari on iPhone


Auto Zoom in Input &ldquo Text&rdquo tag Safari on iPhone I made an html page that has an tag with type equals text . When I click in it using..

Mobile Safari - Input field submit button


Safari Input field submit button I notice when you go to google.com for example the input field keyboard has a submit button as opposed..

iOS 4: FigCreateCGImageFromJPEG returned -1


picker photo taker running in my app and have run into the following error ERROR FigCreateCGImageFromJPEG returned 1. Input null was 551120 bytes I have the image picker showing the camera view works fine. When I take an image with the camera and..

C/C++/Obj-C Real-time algorithm to ascertain Note (not Pitch) from Vocal Input


C Obj C Real time algorithm to ascertain Note not Pitch from Vocal Input I want to detect not the pitch but the pitch class of a sung note. So whether it is C4 or C5 is not important they must..

How to show special characters on Apple App Store product description?


characters using the character table in OS X. To show it go to OS X System Preferences International and select Show Input Sources in Menu Bar . You should get a flag symbol next to the clock in the menu bar. Clicking on it results in a menu where..

iOS Find Location (Latitude,longitude) from Zipcode


iphone geolocation share improve this question Use the Google geolocating API try it out on google.com maps Input for a Swiss ZIP code for example CH 9014 or a french one FR 34000 or german de 12101 or US us 90210 or canada ca J5Z 1A1..

Objective-C: Find numbers in string


it. Ideas iphone objective c ios nsstring nsnumber share improve this question Here's an NSScanner based solution Input NSString originalString @ This is my string. #1234 Intermediate NSString numberString NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString..

How to show button 'Done' on number pad on iPhone?


his numeric information in a textfield how can I make the number pad disappear I may do this by remaining the Text Input Traits default but users have to switch to number pad every time they input their numbers. Are there any other ways to show..

Avfoundation - Play and record video (along with audio and preview) simultaneously


otherButtonTitles nil alertView show alertView release else UIAlertView alertView UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Input Device Init Failed message error localizedDescription delegate nil cancelButtonTitle @ Okay otherButtonTitles..

How to record sound produced by mixer unit output (iOS Core Audio & Audio Graph)


error 1073752493 00000000 result AudioUnitSetProperty iOUnit kAudioOutputUnitProperty_EnableIO kAudioUnitScope_Input 0 Output bus flag sizeof flag if noErr result self printErrorMessage @ AudioUnitSetProperty EnableIO withStatus result.. and specify sample rate result AudioUnitSetProperty iOUnit kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Output 1 Input bus iOStreamFormat sizeof iOStreamFormat if noErr result self printErrorMessage @ AudioUnitSetProperty StreamFormat.. withStatus result return result AudioUnitSetProperty iOUnit kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat kAudioUnitScope_Input 0 Output bus iOStreamFormat sizeof iOStreamFormat if noErr result self printErrorMessage @ AudioUnitSetProperty StreamFormat..

iOS5 show numeric keypad by default without using type=“number” or type=“tel”


own validation to input type number form fields. This is causing some issues see this question below which sums it up Input type 'number' new validation removes leading zeros and formats number in Safari for iPhone iOS5 and latest Safari for Mac..

done button only for numberpad keyboard


systemVersion floatValue 3.2 self addButtonToKeyboard void doneButton id sender NSLog @ doneButton NSLog @ Input @ contactno.text contactno resignFirstResponder It is fine for this particular textfield. But this button is also get add..

trying to add done button to Numeric keyboard


if keyboard description hasPrefix @ UIKeyboard YES keyboard addSubview doneButton void doneButton id sender NSLog @ Input @ textField.text textField resignFirstResponder BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation..

Programmatically show soft keyboard on iPhone in a PhoneGap application?


in jQuery Mobile that at one point shows a dialog to the user. This dialog is also a web page and has one single INPUT text box where user should enter a code. Problem When the code dialog is shown the input box is focused using JavaScript..

How do I put a clear button inside my HTML text input box like the iPhone does?


text input box like the iPhone does I want to have a nice little icon that when clicked will clear the text in the INPUT box. This is to save space rather than having a clear link outside of the input box. My CSS skills are weak... Here is a..

Detecting if headphones are plugged into iPhone


AudioSessionGetProperty kAudioSessionProperty_AudioInputAvailable size inputAvailable if error printf ERROR GETTING INPUT AVAILABILITY d n error btn_record.enabled inputAvailable YES NO we also need to listen to see if input availability changes..

<input type=“search”> not working on iPhone Mobile Safari


off placeholder Type something here This is the code for the X button I have to use now since HTML5 doesn't work INPUT type image name Clear alt Clear src clearX.png height 22 width 22 onClick clearText this At first I thought it's because..

Display flaw with HTML input type number on iPhone iOS/Safari


Remove More Than 2 Trailing zero


12.345678 12.34 iphone objective c string formatting precision share improve this question TESTED CODE 100 WORKS INPUT 12.74 OR 12.745 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.74f NSLog @ inputString.. inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.74f NSLog @ inputString @ n n inputString OUTPUT inputString 12.74 INPUT 12.00 OR 12.000 NSString inputString NSString string inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ .4g 12.00f NSLog @ inputString.. @ .4g 12.00f NSLog @ inputString @ n n inputString OUTPUT inputString 12 UPDATED ANSWER for his comment question INPUT 12.30 i assume here he is going to show this value in some UI like UILabel .....Not For Calculation. NSString inputString..

iOS5 show numeric keypad by default without using type=“number” or type=“tel”


on jsfiddle blue color means you are looking at something that is not within the field store original value from INPUT tag in jQuery's .data var input_field jQuery '#number field' var display_span jQuery '#number container value' var base_val..