

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithview

iOS iPhone is it possible to clone UIView and have it draw itself to two UIViews?


nonatomic readonly strong UIView cloneView @end @interface CloneView UIView @property nonatomic weak UIView srcView id initWithView UIView src @end implementation of the View you want to clone #import SrcView.h #import CloneView.h @implementation SrcView.. layer inContext CGContextRef ctx cloneView setNeedsDisplay UIView cloneView if cloneView cloneView CloneView alloc initWithView self return cloneView @end @implementation CloneView @synthesize srcView id initWithView UIView src self super initWithFrame.. cloneView CloneView alloc initWithView self return cloneView @end @implementation CloneView @synthesize srcView id initWithView UIView src self super initWithFrame src.frame if self srcView src return self void drawRect CGRect rect srcView.layer renderInContext..

How to download In-App hosted content?


if instantDownload UIView window UIApplication sharedApplication keyWindow _progress MBProgressHUD alloc initWithView UIApplication sharedApplication keyWindow window addSubview _progress _progress show YES _progress setDelegate self ..

UITableView : crash when adding a section footer view in empty section


0. But my app crashes when I enter edit mode and delete the last row in section 0 Assertion failure in UIViewAnimation initWithView indexPath endRect endAlpha startFraction endFraction curve animateFromCurrentPosition shouldDeleteAfterAnimation editing..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


and set it up in the init method of whatever class you're handling the webview from . progressHud MBProgressHUD alloc initWithView self.view progressHud.customView UIImageView alloc initWithImage UIImage imageNamed @ Tick.png autorelease progressHud.opacity..

MBProgressHUD armv7 error


call MBProgressHUD from an ibaction in this way IBAction submitForm id sender MBProgressHUD HUD MBProgressHUD alloc initWithView self.view self.view addSubview HUD HUD.labelText @ Connecting HUD show YES when i build project it happens an error Undefined..