

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: ins

Error : Argument list too long:recursive header expansion failed at /Applications/Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional/Adobe Acrobat Professional.app/


header expansion failed at Applications Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional Adobe Acrobat Professional.app Contents Plug ins Comments.acroplugin Contents MacOS. iphone xcode share improve this question in my case the error was empty variable..

How to Manually Symbolicate iOS Crash to View Crash Logs


find this program. symbolicatecrash.sh sudo cp Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer Library Xcode Plug ins iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin Contents Resources symbolicatecrash usr local bin Is it a separate download I am using XCode.. steps below with the exception that the symbolicatecrash command is in a new spot again . This is because Xcode now installs as an app. To find symbolicatecrash run this from the terminal find Applications Xcode.app name symbolicatecrash type..

copyplist failed with exit code 71


However just recently on my second dev machine my build fails every time with the error Developer Library Xcode Plug ins CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin Contents Resources copyplist Entitlements.plist outdir Code iPhone VirtualConquest build Debug iphonesimulator.. iPhone VirtualConquest build Debug iphonesimulator VirtualConquest.app error can't exec ' Developer Library Xcode Plug ins CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin Contents Resources copyplist' No such file or directory I've reinstalled XCode twice the second.. Library Xcode Plug ins CoreBuildTasks.xcplugin Contents Resources copyplist' No such file or directory I've reinstalled XCode twice the second time I deleted the files under Developer Library Xcode first . I've deleted my source tree..

OpenGL ES, OpenFrameworks, Cinder and IOS creative development


found many cool apps for ios for most built using OpenFramewors and Cinder . My question is why choose this 2 wrapper instead of OpenGL I need to understand benefits and disadvantages. I'm not sure that using these frameworks i can mix in a easy.. product etc Of course you can implement all this in OpenGL but if someone's done it before why not just leverage that instead Your choice of framework or library will depend on what implementation you prefer. OF will do things differently to.. on what implementation you prefer. OF will do things differently to Cinder which is different to another library instead. You don't have to use everything a framework provides. If you don't like the base application like Cinder for example..

Xcode 4 and jailbroken iPhone


license however and don't want one until I am ready to submit to the app store so I have jailbroken my device and installed appsync. After following the steps suggested in this thread not only can I not deploy to my iPhone but now any project.. SDKs iPhoneOS4.2.sdk SDKSettings.plist.bak Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer Library Xcode Plug ins iPhoneOS Build System Support.xcplugin Contents MacOS iPhoneOS Build System Support.original EDIT Run build phase is now..

What do I have to learn to get done with a 3D racing game for the iPhone? What Tools do I need?


out How long did you learn iphone objective c core animation 3d share improve this question Learning the basic ins and outs of OpenGL ES on the iPhone took me about 3 weeks. I post some of my observations on the subject here . The source..



to symbolize the crash report I got from the user Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform Developer Library Xcode Plug ins iPhoneRemoteDevice.xcodeplugin Contents Resources symbolicatecrash myapp_iPod Touch.crash myapp.app.dSYM test.txt It matches..

Use gcc 4.2 in Xcode 4.2 and iOS SDK 5.0


cannot finish one build after hours on my i7 machine. And one more thing is our engine uses gcc command lines to build instead of xcode . So it leads to one question how can I use gcc 4.2 in Xcode 4.2 Is that even possible iphone ios xcode gcc.. or deleted in this process so it is easy to undo if you need to compile with LLVM in the future. Download but do not install yet xcode_4.1_for_lion.dmg or xcode_4.1_for_snow_leopard.dmg Now follow these steps to install Xcode 4.1 into Developer.. Download but do not install yet xcode_4.1_for_lion.dmg or xcode_4.1_for_snow_leopard.dmg Now follow these steps to install Xcode 4.1 into Developer 4.1 Backup the working Developer directory where Xcode 4.2 is installed 15 30 jon@MacBookPro..