

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: innerview

Nesting Custom Classes/XIB's with Interface Builder


extension . Create IBOutlets for these two items in your outer view controller and wire them up. I'll refer to them as innerView and innerViewController . Do not connect any of the IBOutlets defined in your inner view controller to anything in your.. IBOutlets for these two items in your outer view controller and wire them up. I'll refer to them as innerView and innerViewController . Do not connect any of the IBOutlets defined in your inner view controller to anything in your outer nib file.. file just leave them unconnected. In Xcode In your outer view controller's viewDidLoad method add these two lines self.innerView addSubview self.innerViewController.view self.innerViewController.view.frame CGRectMake 0 0 self.innerView.frame.size.width..

resize all subview in scrollViewDidZoom


Width height become 600 if i get scrollView.zoomScale 3 than mainView Width height become 900 During this process innerView resize due to autoresize property.But Width Height of innerView is 100 not change at zoom in out time . Can we change this.. mainView Width height become 900 During this process innerView resize due to autoresize property.But Width Height of innerView is 100 not change at zoom in out time . Can we change this according to scale Finally what i want that Whenever innerView.. is 100 not change at zoom in out time . Can we change this according to scale Finally what i want that Whenever innerView lblTest frame change than i want to increase decrease the numberOfLine of lblTest at zoom in out time. I have tried to add..

adding view into action sheet


asheet UIActionSheet alloc init asheet showInView self.view asheet setFrame CGRectMake 0 230 320 230 CustomView innerView CustomView alloc initWithNibName @ CustomView bundle nil innerView.view.frame CGRectMake 0 10 320 210 asheet addSubview.. asheet setFrame CGRectMake 0 230 320 230 CustomView innerView CustomView alloc initWithNibName @ CustomView bundle nil innerView.view.frame CGRectMake 0 10 320 210 asheet addSubview innerView.view asheet addSubview innerView innerView release asheet..

UIPinchGestureRecognizer for zooming and panning an image in xcode


But how to use ScrollView in this to view image properly iphone ios ipad share improve this question Embed your innerView in Scroll View Once you are done with pinching you can get size of new image and then set its content size void scale id..