

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:27

iphone Programming Glossary: inputdata

How do I create/render a UIImage from a 3D transformed UIImageView?


NSUInteger height CGImageGetHeight imageRef CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB unsigned char inputData malloc height width 4 unsigned char outputData malloc height width 4 NSUInteger bytesPerPixel 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel.. 4 NSUInteger bytesPerRow bytesPerPixel width NSUInteger bitsPerComponent 8 CGContextRef context CGBitmapContextCreate inputData width height bitsPerComponent bytesPerRow colorSpace kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast kCGBitmapByteOrder32Big CGColorSpaceRelease.. outputData indexOutput 1 0.0 outputData indexOutput 2 0.0 outputData indexOutput 3 0.0 else outputData indexOutput inputData indexInput outputData indexOutput 1 inputData indexInput 1 outputData indexOutput 2 inputData indexInput 2 outputData indexOutput..

Sha256 in Objective-C for iPhone


of a string unsigned char hashedChars 32 NSString inputString inputString NSString stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256 inputData.bytes inputData.length hashedChars It returns the.. NSString stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256 inputData.bytes inputData.length hashedChars It returns the hash correctly but I need to insert a string like this x00 x25 x53 and.. stringWithFormat @ hello NSData inputData inputString dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding CC_SHA256 inputData.bytes inputData.length hashedChars It returns the hash correctly but I need to insert a string like this x00 x25 x53 and in this case the..