

python Programming Glossary: marking

Which classes cannot be subclassed?


if their Python supports it . This can be resolved by marking in Python documentation all built in and standard library classes..

A QWidget like QTextEdit that wraps its height automatically to its contents?


growth for TextEdit Widget I am answering instead of marking a duplicate as I suspect its possible you want a variation on..

How to get a reference to an instance method from a decorator


in the constructor. First we use a decorator to do the marking we use a set to allow for multiple marks on one method def callback..

Passing argument from Parent function to nested function Python


Python 3 you can still use it as a binding occurrence by marking the variable as nonlocal this is a keyword introduced for just..

How to print terminal formatted output to a variable


Detect and alter strings in PDFs


going on. Otherwise just use the tool. Here's a shot of marking e.g. all gerunds in OP's file with a command perl pdf_hl.pl..

How can I make my Python code stay under 80 characters a line?


overstepped the bounds. In addition there is a red line marking the 80 character position giving me advance warning of when..

Programmatically sync the db in Django


option to prevent asking me anything I have other ways of marking users as super user so there's no need for the user input but..

Dynamically adding @property in python


True setattr cls name property method I'm marking these special per instance classes with an attribute to avoid..

Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login


qestion is how would you manage the task of automatically marking some links as restricted so JavaScript can handle their onclick..

Improving pure Python prime sieve by recurrence formula


calculation by taking out the optimization of starting marking for n instead of n n... I replaced division by integer division..

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Finding Primes Python


the algorithmic optimization of starting the non prime marking at the prime's square i i instead of its double. share improve..

How does garbage collection and scoping work in C#?


but rather runs a collection when it needs to reclaim RAM marking all of the currently reachable pointers and removing all the..

Python Multiprocessing with PyCUDA


area if CUDA wasn't specifically the sticking point I'd be marking you as answered. Sorry. Perviously to playing with this implementation..

What method attributes are used in Django?


attributes used for template filters is_safe used when marking a template filter as safe needs_autoescape used to deal with..

matplotlib: Set markers for individual points on a line


marker ``'_'`` hline marker edit with an example of marking an arbitrary subset of points as requested in the comments xs..

using class methods as celery tasks


to use the methods of class as the django celery tasks marking it up using @task decorator. The same situation is discribed..