

python Programming Glossary: manner

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations


rfc rfc1950.txt a zlib stream constructed in the default manner is comprised of a 2 byte header e.g. 0x78 0x9C a deflate stream..

How accurate is python's time.sleep()?


python pip install fails: invalid command egg_info


downloading packages to and or why it is failing in this manner. I tried to do a pip upgrade but it also failed in a similar.. tried to do a pip upgrade but it also failed in a similar manner with a bunch of Unknown distribution option errors entry_points..

Parsing HTML Python


would know that it gives you all the tags in a nice nested manner like a tree. I'd prefer an inbuilt module but that might be..

Parsing SQL with Python


but it makes sense to access the data in a relational manner. I am looking into using ANTLR to produce an AST that represents..

Reverse Geocoding Without Web Access


best approach for tackling this problem in an efficient manner Where is a good place to find and what is the appropriate format..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


file is usually about 1GB. Files are organized into such a manner where a row consists of a record of consumer data. Each row..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


will at least pass information between processes in the manner I desire due to being able to execute print statements but my..

Reordering matrix elements to reflect column and row clustering in naiive python


Creating constant in Python


constant in Python. In Java we can create constant in this manner public static final String CONST_NAME Name What is the equivalent..

generating variable names on fly in python


the column names and types are described in the following manner class TableFormat tables.IsDescription firstColumnName StringCol..

How do I “cd” in python


when you're done. This is done in an exception safe manner by wrapping your chdir call in a class class Chdir def __init__..

How can I return system information in Python?


free used etc process count etc be returned in a generic manner so that the same code can be run on Linux Windows BSD etc Alternatively..

Accessing dict keys like an attribute in Python?


be the caveats and pitfalls of accessing dict keys in this manner python dictionary share improve this question The best..

Python in Xcode 4 or Xcode 5


love for this process to be better documented in a general manner such that it's not restricted to just Python . share improve..

Why is parenthesis in print voluntary in Python 2.7?


then without the parenthesis it treats the 's in a special manner and does not create a Tuple. This special treatment of the print..

Use numpy array in shared memory for multiprocessing


0.517794725524976 The array can be accessed in a ctypes manner e.g. a i makes sense. However it is not a numpy array and I..

Is it possible to implement a Python for range loop without an iterator variable?


1 2 3 _ 3 For this reason I would not use it in this manner. I am unaware of any idiom as mentioned by Ryan. It can mess..

What is the correct way to set Python's locale?


I'm attempting to sort a list of strings in a locale aware manner. I've used the Babel library for other i18n related tasks but..