

python Programming Glossary: mangled

Project Euler #22 Python, 2205 points missing?


share improve this question You have accidentally mangled one name. Here qnames is the sorted list of names your code..

Python most common element in a list


and performance a bonus 1 liner version with suitably mangled names . from itertools import groupby as g def most_common_oneliner..

How can I increase counter properties of class when a instance is called?


to use one underscore to avoid having to figure out the mangled name. If you must have __COUNTER work so with the double underscore..

Python, UnicodeDecodeError


characters with the ignore option or appeared NOT to be mangled is suspicious. Which part of Insert the statement print repr..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


characters can show up as boxes other times they just look mangled and other times they look correct accented characters and whatnot..

Private Variables and Methods in Python [duplicate]


name mangling algorithm where the name of the class is mangled into the attribute name. This helps avoid attribute name collisions..

Using Twill from Python to open a link: “ 'module' object has no attribute 'Popen' ” What is it?


program does a nice job of producing correct HTML from mangled broken eeevil Web pages. By default twill will run pages through..

Polymorphism in Python


polymorphism impossible because the attribute name gets mangled with the current class name. Change it to a single underscore..

Python: Which encoding is used for processing sys.argv?


original sys.argv because some characters may have been mangled in ways that there is not enough information to undo for example..

Should i switch to Python? [closed]


joy vs matlab. How many different oop systems have been mangled into matlab Totally free and portable. I can use python on just..

Underscore vs Double underscore with variables and methods


or impossible or the subclass code has to use manually mangled names which is ugly and fragile at best . There's a concept.. leading underscore convention _internal. This isn't name mangled at all it just indicates to others to be careful with this it's..

In Python, when should I use a function instead of a method?


benefit would be the ability to wean Python away from this mangled name oddness which seems to me an HCI improvement . Hm. I'm..

Is wrapping C++ library with ctypes a bad idea?


ctypes would still find a function provided you knew its mangled name the mangling scheme depends on the compiler linker being..