

python Programming Glossary: mapper.py

Hadoop Streaming: Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable


local machine in the standard ˜test format. p cat data.txt mapper.py reducer.py The mapper formats each line of data the way the.. line 69 in main File Users me Desktop hadoop 0.21.0 . mapper.py line 66 in main phyml None File Users me Desktop hadoop 0.21.0.. in main phyml None File Users me Desktop hadoop 0.21.0 . mapper.py line 46 in phyml ft Popen cli_parts stdin PIPE stderr PIPE stdout..

Hadoop Streaming - Unable to find file error


true input ixml output oxml mapper scripts mapper.py file scripts mapper.py inputreader StreamXmlRecordReader begin.. ixml output oxml mapper scripts mapper.py file scripts mapper.py inputreader StreamXmlRecordReader begin channel end channel.. end channel jobconf mapred.reduce.tasks 0 I made sure mapper.py has all the permissions. It errors out saying Caused by java.io.IOException..

Hadoop Streaming Job failed error in python


streaming hadoop 0.20.0 streaming.jar file home hadoop mapper.py mapper home hadoop mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py reducer.. file home hadoop mapper.py mapper home hadoop mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py reducer home hadoop reducer.py input.. streaming hadoop 0.20.0 streaming.jar file home hadoop mapper.py mapper mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py reducer reducer.py..