

python Programming Glossary: map

Python List Comprehension Vs. Map


Comprehension Vs. Map Is there a reason to prefer using map over list comprehension or vice versa Is one generally more.. generally considered more pythonic than the other python map list comprehension share improve this question map may be.. map list comprehension share improve this question map may be microscopically faster in some cases when you're NOT..

Map two lists into a dictionary in Python


This code works but I'm not really proud of it dict junk map lambda k v dict.update k v keys values python dictionary ..

How does zip(*[iter(s)]*n) work in Python?


# 4 5 6 6 9 # 7 8 9 FWIW you can get the same result with map with an initial argument of None map None iter s 3 1 2 3 4 5.. the same result with map with an initial argument of None map None iter s 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 For more on zip and map http.. map None iter s 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 For more on zip and map http muffinresearch.co.uk archives 2007 10 16 python transposing..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


OneOrMore addop_term # expr general_term self.bnf expr # map operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations epsilon..

How can I use a DLL from Python


hllApiParams 1 p1 0 1 p2 0 1 p3 0 1 p4 0 # Actually map the call HLLAPI ... to a Python name. hllApi hllApiProto HLLAPI..

Dynamic module import in Python


'unittest' moduleNames 'sys' 'os' 're' 'unittest' modules map __import__ moduleNames Ripped straight from Dive Into Python..

Python thread pool similar to the multiprocessing Pool?


class I like for example the easy way to parallelize a map function def long_running_func p c_func_no_gil p p multiprocessing.Pool.. p c_func_no_gil p p multiprocessing.Pool 4 xs p.map long_running_func range 100 however I would like to do it without..

Flattening a shallow list in Python


results with a reduce statement reduce list.__add__ map lambda x list x mi.image_set.all for mi in list_of_menuitems..

Python code to pick out all possible combinations from a list?


numbers. Does anyone know of a better way Using map maybe python combinations share improve this question Have..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


it. Since we've reached q we no longer # need it in the map but we'll mark the next # multiples of its witnesses to prepare..

How can you profile a Python script?


0.000 0.000 0.061 0.061 execfile 1 0.002 0.002 0.053 0.053 map 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 method 'disable' of '_lsprof.Profiler..

list comprehension without [ ], Python


Python Map(Dict) with multiple indexes


Map Dict with multiple indexes I am looking for a data structure..

Processing single file from multiple processes in python


loop over it and deliver lines to the worker function. Map blocks and returns the entire result when its done. Be aware..

java and python equivalent of php's foreach($array as $key => $value)


of the php version. The Java implementation using a HashMap does not guarantee the order of elements. Nor does the dictionary.. 2.x print The abbreviation for s is s. key value in Java Map String String stateDict for Map.Entry String String e stateDict.entrySet.. s is s. key value in Java Map String String stateDict for Map.Entry String String e stateDict.entrySet System.out.println..

Python List Comprehension Vs. Map


List Comprehension Vs. Map Is there a reason to prefer using map over list comprehension..

MapReduce results seem limited to 100?


results seem limited to 100 I'm playing around with Map.. results seem limited to 100 I'm playing around with Map Reduce in MongoDB and python and I've run into a strange limitation...

Java Equivalent to Python Dictionaries


dict is implemented using a hashtable. Java's HashMap class is an implementation of the Map interface. Internally.. Java's HashMap class is an implementation of the Map interface. Internally HashMap is implemented using a hashtable... is an implementation of the Map interface. Internally HashMap is implemented using a hashtable. There are a few minor differences..

Map two lists into a dictionary in Python


two lists into a dictionary in Python Imagine that you have..

The Python yield keyword explained


generators Group values in a nested list with a one liner Map Zip without creating another list Then just import itertools..

How to convert from UTM to LatLng in python or Javascript


zone. I need to convert this to LatLng for use with Google Map API to show the information in a map. I have found some online..

Can this Python postfix notation (reverse polish notation) interpreter be made more efficient and accurate?


self Check whether the stack is empty. return self.items # Map supported arithmetic operators to their functions ARITHMETIC_OPERATORS..

Hadoop Streaming: Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable


Streaming Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable I have a pipeline that I.. question but it hasn't been answered yet... Hadoop Elastic Map Reduce with binary executable python binary streaming hadoop..

How to get started with Big Data Analysis


started with Big Data crunching. How to start simple with Map Reduce and the use of Hadoop How can I leverage my skills in..

Streaming or custom Jar in Hadoop


some very specific computation you need to do within your Map reduce functions and you are very specific about performance..

Hash Map in Python


Map in Python I've implemented a Hash Map using Java. I want to.. Map in Python I've implemented a Hash Map using Java. I want to ask a user for an input. depending on.. his input I am retrieving some information from the Hash Map. If he enters a key of the hashmap I would like to retrieve..

Matplotlib 3D scatter color lost after redraw


as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Create Map cm plt.get_cmap RdYlGn x np.random.rand 30 y np.random.rand.. the changed method on the Patch3DCollection really a ScalarMappable method and this just documents that a change happend ... as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D # Create Map cm plt.get_cmap RdYlGn # added a seed so consistant plotting..

Map of all points below a certain time of travel?


of all points below a certain time of travel My question is.. this question I think you are looking for something like Mapnificient it shows you areas you can reach with public transport.. by step how you can get travel time data from the Google Maps API . Finally for 8.75 you can buy the article Stata utilities..

CouchBase mixed with Memcached, loss of most CouchDB philosophies and functionality?


be. With original Couch DB we could write Advanced Views Map reduce to search and manipulate JSON data in the database e.t.c..