

python Programming Glossary: mark

'is' operator behaves differently when comparing strings with spaces


' e is f False It seems like the space and the question mark make the is behave differently. What's going on EDIT I know..

How can I auto-populate a PDF form in Django/Python?


or a designer design the PDF in Acrobat or whatever and mark the form fields and take note of the field names I'm not sure..

Can a Python decorator of an instance method access the class?


print name cls return cls def method_decorator view # mark the method as something that requires view's class view.use_class.. a_method self # do some stuff pass The method decorator marks the method as one that is of interest by adding a use_class.. and does whatever is needed on the methods that have been marked. If you want all the methods to be affected then you could..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


to signal the beginning of an inner byte. again the x's mark the space where the Unicode code point value is stored after..

Is False == 0 and True == 1 in Python an implementation detail or is it guaranteed by the language?


integers or objects that define a __index__ method thanks mark dickinson . Edit It is true of the current python version and..

Django authentication and Ajax - URLs that require login


decorator from django.contrib.auth.decorators to mark which view requires authentication. The default behavior when.. qestion is how would you manage the task of automatically marking some links as restricted so JavaScript can handle their onclick..

How can I make setuptools install a package that's not on PyPI?


link like the above you'd be already set. Typically people mark the development version with 'myproject dev' and then people..

Comprehension for flattening a sequence of sequences?


anything that teaches me something new. But I will only mark as accepted an answer that is targeted on my question even if..

Creating a new corpus with NLTK


the periods in Mr. Smith and Johann S. Bach ... do not mark sentence boundaries. And sometimes sentences ... can start with..

Is there a HAML implementation for use with Python and Django


to stumble across HAML an interesting and beautiful way to mark up contents and write templates for HTML. Since I use Python..

Finding number of colored shapes from picture using Python


pixels are found. Then increment nuclei count by one and mark traversed pixels so they won't be iterated through again. Then..

“Private” (implementation) class in Python


to comments and docstrings is there a mechanism to mark a class as private or internal I am aware of the underscore..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


True if q not in D # q is a new prime. # Yield it and mark its first multiple that isn't # already marked in previous iterations.. Yield it and mark its first multiple that isn't # already marked in previous iterations # yield q D q q q else # q is composite... reached q we no longer # need it in the map but we'll mark the next # multiples of its witnesses to prepare for larger..

Convert XML/HTML Entities into Unicode String in Python


example I get back #x01ce which represents an with a tone mark. In binary this is represented as the 16 bit 01ce. I want to..

Python: Looping through all but the last item of a list


carefully. Note the sentence which ends in a question mark that is the curly thing with a dot below it like this . If that..

spawning process from python


python process spawn share improve this question As @mark clarified it's a Linux system the script could easily make itself.. the child process . Edit to clarify some details wrt @mark's comment on my answer super user privileges are not needed.. don't daemonize the child process which seems to be what @mark needs the script could do it for itself but since some code..

Mark data as sensitive in python


disclosed in coredumps or tracebacks Is there a way to mark a value as sensitive so it's not saved anywhere by a debugger..

What causes a Python segmentation fault?


the very first line of the code. Use gdb as described by Mark in this answer .. At the command prompt gdb python gdb run path..

Sorting lists in python


the rank. So I have this list here 11 Jenny 8 Adam 10 Mark 8 Ada and when I use this code here on it it just comes back.. this code here on it it just comes back with 11 Jenny 10 Mark 10 Mark 10 Mark def sort names counts newArr newNames names.. here on it it just comes back with 11 Jenny 10 Mark 10 Mark 10 Mark def sort names counts newArr newNames names newCount..

Parsing SQL with Python


from scratch. The first link in the reddit post of Mark Rushakoff gives a sql example using it. Whoosh a full text search..

Python: Random is barely random at all?


of pseudo random numbers See this answer below from S. Mark for a means of getting a guaranteed unique set of random numbers...

Why/When in Python does `x==y` call `y.__eq__(x)`?


got called True tse b __eq__ got called True Edit From Mark Dickinson's answer and comment it would appear that Rich comparison..

Is it possible to plot implicit equations using Matplotlib?


again to people who have kindly offered help especially to Mark for his outstanding response to my previous question . I would..

how to handle an asymptote/discontinuity with Matplotlib


as I did not know how the system worked thanks to Mark for pointing that out . I have since been back and gratefully..

Why the “mutable default argument fix” syntax is so ugly, asks python newbie


way to put it I'm not asking why or how it happens thanks Mark for the link . I'm asking why there's no simpler alternative..

Speed up bitstring/bit operations in Python?


list of primes. sieve_limit gmpy2.isqrt limit 1 limit 1 # Mark bit positions 0 and 1 as not prime. bitmap gmpy2.xmpz 3 # Process..

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Finding Primes Python


a if isprime yield i for n in xrange i i limit i # Mark factors non prime a n False Note that this also includes the..

UnicodeEncodeError: 'latin-1' codec can't encode character


this question Character U 201C Left Double Quotation Mark is not present in the Latin 1 ISO 8859 1 encoding. It is present..

Is there a better layout language than HTML for printing?


Additionally it should be GPL compatible. Edit kdgregory Mark G The most obvious limitation is that I can't specify the printer..

What is a mixin, and why are they useful?


is a mixin and why are they useful In Programming Python Mark Lutz mentions mixins . I'm from a C C C# background and I have..

Windows cmd encoding change causes Python crash


redirected it will output UTF 8. If you want a Byte Order Mark you'll need to write it explicitly. Edit This version uses WriteConsoleW..

How can I use a string with the same name of an object in Python to access the object itself?


complex and also open to risks in some cases see Mark Byers answer . If you use locals you are going to mix the real..

Mark data as sensitive in python


data as sensitive in python I need to store a user's password..