

python Programming Glossary: managing

What's a good approach to managing the db connection in a Google Cloud SQL (GAE) Python app?


a good approach to managing the db connection in a Google Cloud SQL GAE Python app I'm.. App Engine and am trying to figure out a good approach to managing my database connection to a Google Cloud SQL instance if you..

What is the most compatible way to install python modules on a Mac?


the impression that Macports isn't universally loved for managing python modules. I'd like to start fresh using a more accepted..

Separation of business logic and data access in django


guidelines Does my model contain methods that do more than managing database state You should extract a command. Does my model contain..

GUI designer for managing Django models


designer for managing Django models Is there a GUI tool using which I can design..

How to capture Python interpreter's and/or CMD.EXE's output from a Python script?


See the Python subprocess module for information on managing the process. For communication the process.stdin and process.stdout..

How to import modules in Google App Engine?


code to run before all other imports you can put the path managing code in a file of its own in your app's base directory Python..

Is there any way to kill a Thread in Python?


nice way of handling this if you can afford it if you are managing your own threads is to have an exit_request flag that each threads..

Getting Python under control on Mac OS X - setting up environment and libraries


virutalenv is a great tool and is very useful for managing multiple Python instances on most platforms. On Mac OS X though..

What is your favorite solution for managing database migrations in django?


is your favorite solution for managing database migrations in django I quite like Rails' database..

Reading Command Line Arguments of Another Process (Win32 C code)


XXX . I'm working on a core piece of a Python module for managing processes . The code is written as a Python extension in C and..

Class factory in Python


implementing the scenario below. I have two classes for managing domains at two different registrars. Both have the same interface..

How do I manage third-party Python libraries with Google App Engine? (virtualenv? pip?)


App Engine virtualenv pip What's the best strategy for managing third party Python libraries with Google App Engine Say I want..

Scrapy - how to manage cookies/sessions


received EDIT Another options I've just thought of is managing the session cookie completely manually and passing it from one..

Python function overloading


hierarchy because thats too slow. The actual code for managing bullets is in C and my functions are wrappers around C API...

Django -vs- Grails -vs-?


is roughly in the same boat at Django when it comes to managing supporting the app. Has anyone here tried both Django and Grails..

Construct a tree from list os file paths (Python) - Performance dependent


Hey I am working on a very high performance file managing analyzing toolkit written in python. I want to create a function..

How do I correctly clean up a Python object?


question I'd recommend using Python's with statement for managing resources that need to be cleaned up. The problem with using..