

python Programming Glossary: mapping

How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square?


last step is to define two interpolation functions for X Y mapping through these points and transform the image using these functions..

How do I sort unicode strings alphabetically in Python?


library for it what is the best way to do this Just make a mapping from letter to a integer value and map the string to a integer..

Key-ordered dict in python


of a int to float or string to float for another use case mapping structure for which Ordered iteration is O n Random access is..

Character reading from file in Python


this like this Second edit I have seen some people use mapping to solve this problem but really is there no built in conversion..

Converting XML to JSON using Python?


share improve this question There is no one to one mapping between XML and JSON so converting one to the other necessarily..

Best video manipulation library for python? [closed]


for the C API and modules is really very extensive and the mapping from the C API to the Python API is very straightforward. And..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


to be expressed. To work efficiently with text a 1 to 1 mapping would be rather impractical since it would require that all..

Use only some parts of Django?


personal killer feature in Django is the Object database mapping that I can do with the models so if there's another technology.. this question I myself use Django for its object db mapping without using its urlconfigs. Simply create a file called djangosettings.py.. Django modules. This will let you use Django's object db mappings without actually having a Django project so you can use it..

How can I represent an 'Enum' in Python?


value key for key value in enums.iteritems enums 'reverse_mapping' reverse return type 'Enum' enums This overwrites anything with.. enums in output. It will throw KeyError if the reverse mapping doesn't exist. With the first example Numbers.reverse_mapping..

Python reverse / inverse a mapping


reverse inverse a mapping Given a dictionary like so map 'a' 1 'b' 2 How can one invert.. this map to get inv_map 1 'a' 2 'b' python dictionary mapping inverse share improve this question for python 2.7 3 inv_map..

What is the best way to remove accents in a python unicode string?


Important note I would like to avoid code with an explicit mapping from accented characters to their non accented counterpart...

Python multiprocessing pool.map for multiple arguments


the variable that should be mapped while case supplies the mapping function with extra information about the whole sequence. This..

Python mysqldb: Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.18.dylib


lib libmysqlclient.18.dylib so that I have the following mapping ls l libmysqlclient.18.dylib lrwxr xr x 1 root wheel 44 16 Jul..

Django dynamic model fields


data 'a' '1' 'b' '2' # subset by key value mapping Something.objects.filter data__contains 'a' '1' # subset by..

Python dictionary: are keys() and values() always the same order?


and values methods of a dictionary are always a 1 to 1 mapping assuming the dictionary is not altered between calling the 2..

What is the best way to map windows drives using Python?


this question I'd go with IronPython and this article Mapping a Drive Letter Programmatically . Or you could use the Win32..

What is an ORM and where can I learn more about it?


this question Quick intro An ORM Object Relational Mapping is a tool that lets you query and manipulate data from a database..

Mapping std::map to Python


std map to Python Sometimes it makes sense to have a key ordered..

Rules of thumb for when to use operator overloading in python


__hash__ a Sized must override __len__ a Sequence or a Mapping must override __getitem__ and so forth. Moreover the ABCs can.. your class with mixin functionality e.g. both Sequence and Mapping can provide __contains__ on the basis of your supplied __getitem__..

Is it possible to map a discontiuous data on disk to an array with python?


a big fortran record 12G on hard disk to a numpy array. Mapping instead of loading for saving memory. The data stored in fortran..

Pylons and Memcached


object Session detached object for use with ORM Mapping. As the SQLAlchemy documentation indicates creating and closing..

Mapping a range of values to another


a range of values to another I am looking for ideas on how..

How to add file extensions based on file type on Linux/Unix?


a `filename filename.ext` filter. `ext` is mime based. # Mapping of mime types to extensions is taken form here # http as3corelib.googlecode.com..

Mapping a global variable from a shared library with ctypes


a global variable from a shared library with ctypes I'd like..

Choosing between different switch-case replacements in Python - dictionary or if-elif-else?


statement choices. There are three common patterns. Mapping a key to an object . Use a dictionary if it is almost totally..

Mapping a numpy array in place


a numpy array in place Is it possible to map a numpy array..

SQLAlchemy - Dictionary of tags


notes association_proxy '_notesdict' 'value' creator Note Mapping mapper Note tb_notes mapper Item tb_items properties '_notesdict'..

Python create own dict view of subset of dictionary


This is pretty easy to implement from collections import Mapping class FilteredItems Mapping def __init__ self source filter.. from collections import Mapping class FilteredItems Mapping def __init__ self source filter self.source source self.p filter..