

python Programming Glossary: martelli

using pyodbc on ubuntu to insert a image field on SQL Server


updated the question accordingly. Thanks Vinay Sajip Alex Martelli's comment gave me the idea of using the DATALENGTH MS SQL function.. if the data is fully loaded on the column. Thanks Alex Martelli python sql server image pyodbc freetds share improve this..

Thread local storage in Python


a particular function is on the stack in Python Alex Martelli gives a nice solution python multithreading thread local ..

How do I deploy a Python desktop application?


competitors to decipher your decompiled source. As Alex Martelli says in this thread if you want to keep your code a secret you..

_ as variable name in Python


for the good answers. I guess The Answer goes to Alex Martelli for value added he points out that the _ vbl_of_interest idiom..

Making a Python script Object-Oriented


cleanedLine ' ' print cleanedInput After following Alex Martelli advice below I now have the following code which gives me the..

What are Python metaclasses useful for?


done with metaclasses that can't be in any other way Alex Martelli told that there are tasks that can't be achieved without metaclasses..

python single configuration file


data is accessed the same way. accepted answer chose Alex Martelli response because it was the most complete. voted up other answers..

Is there a way to circumvent Python list.append() becoming progressively slower in a loop as the list grows?


this 2 Try using deque Multiple posts see comment by Alex Martelli suggested memory fragmentation he has a large amount of available..

Will python 3 ever catch on?


providing some strong incentive for the move. But Alex Martelli has started answering this question and is using this example...

Creating constant in Python


Silence the stdout of a function in python without trashing sys.stdout and restoring each function call


'w' foo stdout save_stdout Edit Corrected code from Alex Martelli import sys save_stdout sys.stdout sys.stdout open 'trash' 'w'..

Using Python's ConfigParser to read a file without section name


configuration files share improve this question Alex Martelli provided a solution for using ConfigParser to parse .properties..

GWT on Python App Engine


to implement GWT as the front end. Even though Alex Martelli in this post 1 mentions it is not possible a comment to that..

Creating an empty list in Python


I prefer but some very knowledgable people like Alex Martelli prefer list because it is pronounceable . share improve this..

Multiprocessing: using Pool.map on a function defined in a class


__builtin__.function failed I've seen a post from Alex Martelli dealing with the same kind of problem but it wasn't explicit..

Can I prevent modifying an object in Python?


Activestate has a recipe titled Constants in Python by Martelli for creating a const module with attributes which cannot be..

Google search with Python


Google Search from a Python App Contains answer from Alex Martelli python 2.6 and a python 3 port as well. You should be able to..

Python - anyone have a memoizing decorator that can handle unhashable arguments?


share improve this question Here is the example in Alex Martelli Python Cookbook that show how to create a memoize decorator..

Why is the value of __name__ changing after assignment to sys.modules[__name__]?


the ActiveState recipe titled Constants in Python by Alex Martelli I ran into the unexpected side effect in Python 2.7 that assigning..