

python Programming Glossary: masking

Parsing nested function calls using pyparsing


question Nice catch on figuring out that identifier was masking expression in your definition of arg . Here are some other tips..

Python: Elegant and efficient ways to mask a list


from __future__ import division import numpy as np n 8 masking lists lst range n print lst # the mask filter msk el 3 and el.. of the mask print lst i for i in xrange len lst if msk i masking arrays ary np.arange n print ary # the mask filter msk ary 3.. True True True False 4 5 6 As you see the operation of masking on array is more elegant compared to list. If you try to use..

img = Image.open(fp) AttributeError: class Image has no attribute 'open'


a namespace conflict. One of your import statements is masking PIL.Image which is a module not a class with some class named..

DeprecationWarning: struct integer overflow masking is deprecated


struct integer overflow masking is deprecated I have the following problem. The code looks.. the warning is DeprecationWarning struct integer overflow masking is deprecated timecrc_code crc32up time_code What is causing.. I' n __main__ 1 DeprecationWarning struct integer overflow masking is deprecated ' x00 x00 x00 x00' Newer python versions 2.6 also..

What is the actual impact of calling socket.recv with a bufsize that is not a power of 2?


useful to have array lengths as powers of two bitshift masking operations on the length optimal FFT array size etc but these..