

python Programming Glossary: mass

How to add a second x-axis in matplotlib


try with an example. Here I am plotting the dark matter mass as a function of the expansion factor defined as 1 1 z that.. defined as 1 1 z that ranges from 0 to 1. semilogy 1 1 z mass_acc_massive ' ' label 'DM' xlim 0 1 ylim 1e8 5e12 I would like.. as 1 1 z that ranges from 0 to 1. semilogy 1 1 z mass_acc_massive ' ' label 'DM' xlim 0 1 ylim 1e8 5e12 I would like to have..

Given the name of a Python package, what is the name of the module to import? [closed]


some vital features eg. listing packages and upgrading en mass . Ironically Pip itself is complicated to install . Installation..

What is the most efficient string concatenation method in python?


concatenation method in python Is there any efficient mass string concatenation method in Python like StringBuilder in..

Python string 'join' is faster(?) than '+', but what's wrong here?


what's wrong here I asked the most efficient method for mass dynamic string concatenation in an earlier post and I was suggested..

python ball physics simulation


The Particle Class Circular 2d objects with radius mass velocity location The Spring Class A spring that binds 2 objects..

Why the order in Python dictionaries is arbitrary?


attacker renders a Python server unresponsive by causing mass hash collisions . This means that the order of a given dictionary..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


from scipy.optimize import brentq me 5.974 10 24 # mass of the earth mm 7.348 10 22 # mass of the moon G 6.67259.. me 5.974 10 24 # mass of the earth mm 7.348 10 22 # mass of the moon G 6.67259 10 20 # gravitational parameter re..

Can Django be used with py2exe?


We'd like to create a Django Intranet application for mass market. We only need to support Windows users and it needs to..

Is it possible to define a class constant inside an Enum?


... NEPTUNE 1.024e 26 2.4746e7 ... def __init__ self mass radius ... self.mass mass # in kilograms ... self.radius radius.. 26 2.4746e7 ... def __init__ self mass radius ... self.mass mass # in kilograms ... self.radius radius # in meters ... @property.. 2.4746e7 ... def __init__ self mass radius ... self.mass mass # in kilograms ... self.radius radius # in meters ... @property..

Finding Combinations to the provided Sum value


myseq for i in range 1 len myvar mycomb list combinations mass i # Getting combinations of length i mycomb list j for j in..

algorithm for python itertools.permutations


last gives 3 0 the last is now zero so it's a big event mass swap in the indices well there's not much of a mass here but.. event mass swap in the indices well there's not much of a mass here but there might be and the cycles are back to 3 2. But..

Weighted random selection with and without replacement


of partitions p . Each partition represents a probability mass of 1 p . In this case we create 8 partitions each able to contain.. with the least remaining weight and place as much of it's mass as possible in an empty partition. In this example we see that..

How do i find the frequency count of a word in English using WordNet?


flock 1 good_deal 13 great_deal 10 hatful 0 heap 2 lot 13 mass 14 mess 0 ... However many counts are zero and there is no information..

Machine vision in Python


on each regions to determine pixel area and center of mass. Previously I've used Matlab's Image Processing Tootlbox without..