

python Programming Glossary: manytomanyfield

Django Tastypie not Updating Resource with ManyToManyField


Tastypie not Updating Resource with ManyToManyField Why doesn't my resource with a ManyToManyField update with.. with ManyToManyField Why doesn't my resource with a ManyToManyField update with this PUT request curl dump header H Content Type.. class DeviceResource ModelResource favorites fields.ManyToManyField OrganizationResource 'favorites' null True full True class Meta..

Why does Django post_save signal give me pre_save data?


is like BEFORE the save. I'm guessing this is because its ManyToManyField and the data is stored in a separate table but shouldn't the.. name models.CharField max_length 200 category models.ManyToManyField 'Category' symmetrical False contact models.EmailField class.. mod_date models.DateTimeField auto_now True sold_to models.ManyToManyField Customer null True blank True def send_admin_email sender instance..

How to add bi-directional manytomanyfields in django admin?


name models.CharField max_length 200 locationgroups models.ManyToManyField LocationGroup admin.py standard admin.site.register LocationGroup.. The workaround I found was to follow the instructions for ManyToManyFields with intermediary models . Even though you're not using the.. # models make sure the naming convention matches what ManyToManyField would create class Report_LocationGroups models.Model locationgroup..

adding the same object twice to a ManyToManyField


the same object twice to a ManyToManyField I have two django model classes class A models.Model name models.CharField.. max_length 128 #irrelevant class B models.Model a models.ManyToManyField A name models.CharField max_length 128 #irrelevant What I want.. M2M relationship using the through keyword argument in the ManyToManyField. Sort of like the first answer above but more Django y . class..

How to filter ToManyField of django-tastypie by request.user?


The according models are like this class Pizza model users ManyToManyField User toppings ManyToManyField Topping # other stuff class Topping.. this class Pizza model users ManyToManyField User toppings ManyToManyField Topping # other stuff class Topping Model used_by ManyToManyField.. Topping # other stuff class Topping Model used_by ManyToManyField User # other stuff Now what I want to do is filter the toppings..

Django Admin: Ordering of ForeignKey and ManyToManyField relations referencing User


Admin Ordering of ForeignKey and ManyToManyField relations referencing User I have an application that makes.. User related_name 'manager' members models.ManyToManyField User blank True And it is registered into the Admin class TeamAdmin..

Django Multiple Choice Field / Checkbox Select Multiple


this question The profile choices need to be setup as a ManyToManyField for this to work correctly. So... your model should be like.. blank True unique True verbose_name_ 'user' choices models.ManyToManyField Choices Then sync the database and load up Choices with the..

Ordered ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets


ManyToManyField that can be used in fieldsets I've been working through an.. be used in fieldsets I've been working through an ordered ManyToManyField widget and have the front end aspect of it working nicely Unfortunately.. 50 # More fields here if you like. contestants models.ManyToManyField 'Contestant' through 'ContestResults' class Contestant models.Model..

How do I access the properties of a many-to-many “through” table from a django template?


such as mixing and matching pizzas and toppings a standard ManyToManyField is all you need. However sometimes you may need to associate.. the groups of which they are a member so you could use a ManyToManyField to represent this relationship. However there is a lot of detail.. model. The intermediate model is associated with the ManyToManyField using the through argument to point to the model that will act..

Is there a Python library for generating .ico files?


ForeignKey to abstract class (generic relations)


max_length 64 # various fields services models.ManyToManyField service Of course the line with the ManyToManyField is bogus... models.ManyToManyField service Of course the line with the ManyToManyField is bogus. I have no idea what to put in place of Service . I.. max_length 64 # various fields services models.ManyToManyField Service On the database level this will create a 'service' table..