

python Programming Glossary: many

Import a module from a relative path


I use this in production in several products and works in many special scenarios like scripts called from another directory..

What do *args and **kwargs mean? [duplicate]


that returned the sum of all its arguments no matter how many you supply you could write it like this def my_sum args return..

Print in terminal with colors using Python?


is using a IBM extended ascii character set you have many more options. Characters 176 177 178 and 219 are the block characters..

Is there a simple, elegant way to define Singletons in Python? [closed]


to define Singletons in Python closed There seem to be many ways to define Singletons in Python. Is there a consensus opinion..

Extracting text from HTML file using Python


expressions that may fail on poorly formed HTML. I've seen many people recommend Beautiful Soup but I've had a few problems..

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


to use them. You would use args when you're not sure how many arguments might be passed to your function i.e. it allows you..

Python variable scope question


variable scope question I've been programming for many years and recently started learning Python. The following code..

Dynamically adding a form to a Django formset with Ajax


with the type argument the cloneMore function looks at how many forms there currently are and goes through every input and label..

How can you profile a Python script?


but also times each function separately and tells you how many times each function was called making it easy to determine where..

How to get line count cheaply in Python?


solution will have to read the entire file figure out how many n you have and return that result. Do you have a better way..

Does Django scale?


together a bunch of Django models There are of course many more sites and bloggers of interest but I have got to stop somewhere..

Python: How do I pass a variable by reference?


by the sea' print 'set to' the_string outer_string 'It was many and many a year ago' print 'before outer_string ' outer_string.. print 'set to' the_string outer_string 'It was many and many a year ago' print 'before outer_string ' outer_string try_to_change_string_reference.. ' outer_string Output before outer_string It was many and many a year ago got It was many and many a year ago set..

Why (0-6) is -6 = False? [duplicate]


we saw above. The small integers range is from 5 to 257. Many Python programs spend a lot of time using integers in that range..

Inserting Line at Specified Position of a Text File in Python


improve it or throw me some ideas so I can write it again. Many thanks. python text insert share improve this question ..

Iteration over list slices


a separate question. edit2 Ah SO will you marry me Many beautiful answers and only one to choose.. Thank you everyone..

Whether to use “SET NAMES”


target languages are php and python if this is relevant. Many thanks. php python mysql internationalization share improve..

What is the best way to get all the divisors of a number?


100 print i output this 1 2 4 5 10 20 25 50 100 UPDATE Many thanks to Greg Hewgill and his smart way Calculating all divisors..

Is `import module` better coding style than `from module import function`?


situations where IM FPIM is demonstrably better than FMIF. Many thanks. python python import share improve this question..

What is the difference between NaN and None?


this is true how can I check v for an empty cell nan case Many thanks Please comment if clarification edits are necessary...

Why program functionally in Python?


of syntax sugar that makes people use lambda sometimes. Many FP enthusiasts just as many OOP and procedural fans dislike..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


primesfrom3to requires numpy primesfrom2to requires numpy Many thanks to stephan for bringing sieve_wheel_30 to my attention...

Python - store output of subprocess.Popen call in a string


the output of subprocess call but without any luck. Many thanks python subprocess share improve this question Use..

Pretty-printing of numpy.array


i.e. with s. Is there any solution ready for this purpose Many thanks in advance python numpy pretty print share improve..

Django Template Variables and Javascript


based on the values contained in the variables passed in. Many thanks Alistair. javascript python django google app engine..

How can I speed up fetching pages with urllib2 in python?


most other threading code posted here has some flaws. Many of them do active polling to wait for the code to finish. join..

Are there statistical studies that indicates that Python is “more productive”?


claiming that python is more productive of Java . Many Python programmers that I have talked with claim that Python..

I Need a little help with Python, Tkinter and threading


responsible for all direct interactions with Tk. Many objects and subsystems don't like receiving requests from multiple..

Why are scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python, Ruby) not suitable as shell languages? [closed]


commands that don't agree on a common textual format. Many of those adapters go away in PowerShell because the cmdlets..

generating variable names on fly in python


price1 prices 0 price2 prices 1 etc. Thank you. EDIT Many people suggested that I write a reason for requiring this. First..

Standard way to embed version into python package?


__version__ not version . This is almost a quasi standard. Many modules in the standard library use __version__ and this is..

Checking python module version at runtime


python module version at runtime Many 3rd party python modules have an attribute which holds the version..