

python Programming Glossary: manipulations

Creating a secondary site-packages directory (and loading packages from .pth files therein)


this works. From the site documentation After these path manipulations an attempt is made to import a module named sitecustomize which..

Why do NumPy and SciPy have a lot of the same functions? Which should I prefer? [duplicate]


scenario from the FAQ I use NumPy for the basic array manipulations and SciPy for all my linear algebra. This way I don't run into..

Good geometry library in python?


for a good and well developed library for geometrical manipulations and evaluations in python like evaluate the intersection between..

Python Image Library Image Resolution when Resizing


the info attribute is not always preserved across image manipulations dpi im.info 'dpi' # Warning throws KeyError if no DPI was set..

How to read formatted input in python?


things You don't need to import string to do simple string manipulations. Like mjv said to split a tuple or a list into several variables..

How to synchronize a python dict with multiprocessing


it indeed does have the method that was registered. All manipulations of the dict must be done with methods and not dict assignments..

Rename Files in Python


not working properly. I have also considered using string manipulations but have not been successful with that either. Any help would..

Python/Django download Image from URL, modify, and save to ImageField


a way to download an image from a URL preform some image manipulations resize actions on it and then save it to a django ImageField...

Conditional statements with Python lists


I'll give you some sample code to do some basic manipulations of this data type others may have more efficient ways of doing..

Is there an interactive graphing library for python


would need significant amount of work to do interactive manipulations correct me if I'm wrong I've only looked at them briefly . I've..

How to concisely cascade through multiple regex statements in Python


a string that I need to then perform numerous regex manipulations on. The logic is if there's a match in the first regex do one..

Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases


3 Finally it may be worth noting that for very simple manipulations particularly if you aren't concerned about the cosmetics of..

Returning a lower case ASCII string from a (possibly encoded) string fetched using urllib2 or BeautifulSoup


internally so you don't need to perform character encoding manipulations manually. To find keywords case insensitive in a text not in..