

python Programming Glossary: mapper

Generating Separate Output files in Hadoop Streaming


Separate Output files in Hadoop Streaming Using only a mapper a Python script and no reducer how can I output a separate file..

MongoDB ORM for Python? [closed]


looking at mongokit but i want something with similar to mappers so that it would save from the object's property and not a.. from the object's property and not a dict. i would like a mapper so that i can use existing objects without modifying them. ..

reverse mapping of dictionary with Python [duplicate]


ref as follows ref ref abc def I can get def from abc def mapper from return ref from But how can I get from def from abc def.. return ref from But how can I get from def from abc def revmapper to python dictionary share improve this question If you.. v k for k v in ref.iteritems rev_ref 'def' 'abc' def revmapper to ... return rev_ref to If it's rare and you don't care if..

Hadoop Streaming: Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable


I ™ve been able to modify my Python code such that I have a mapper and a reducer that I can run on my local machine in the standard.. local machine in the standard ˜test format. p cat data.txt mapper.py reducer.py The mapper formats each line of data the way the.. ˜test format. p cat data.txt mapper.py reducer.py The mapper formats each line of data the way the binary it wraps wants..

Hadoop Streaming - Unable to find file error


true input ixml output oxml mapper scripts mapper.py file scripts mapper.py inputreader StreamXmlRecordReader.. true input ixml output oxml mapper scripts mapper.py file scripts mapper.py inputreader StreamXmlRecordReader.. ixml output oxml mapper scripts mapper.py file scripts mapper.py inputreader StreamXmlRecordReader begin channel end channel..

Hadoop Streaming Job failed error in python


streaming hadoop 0.20.0 streaming.jar file home hadoop mapper.py mapper home hadoop mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py.. hadoop 0.20.0 streaming.jar file home hadoop mapper.py mapper home hadoop mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py reducer home.. file home hadoop mapper.py mapper home hadoop mapper.py file home hadoop reducer.py reducer home hadoop reducer.py..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


sort of metaclass hacking one would use to build an O R mapper. I did build a prototype once so I have a fair idea of how this..

SQLAlchemy - Dictionary of tags


attribute_mapped_collection mapped_collection mapper Item items_table properties # key by column 'notes' relation.. Note 'color' 'blue' But I want the following behavior mapper Item items_table properties # key by column 'notes' relation.. Column ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import relation mapper sessionmaker from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import column_mapped_collection..