

python Programming Glossary: master

What is a metaclass in Python?


is a metaclass in Python I've mastered almost all the Python concepts well let's say they're just.. as objects Before understanding metaclasses you need to master classes in Python. And Python has a very peculiar idea of what..

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


Desktop ruby_sleep.rb' command ' '.join ruby file_path master slave pty.openpty proc Popen command bufsize 0 shell True stdout.. stdout slave stderr slave close_fds True stdout os.fdopen master 'r' 0 while proc.poll is None data stdout.readline if data .. pty import select from subprocess import Popen STDOUT master_fd slave_fd pty.openpty # provide tty to enable # line buffering..

On localhost, how to pick a free port number?


and the slaves do their work and submit the result to the master. How do I figure out which port is available I assume I cannot..

How to draw diagrams like this?


caveats I am running a version very close to the current master so I am not sure what will work in older versions The reason..

How to connect a progress bar to a function?


import ttk import time class GuiPart def __init__ self master queue self.queue queue self.pgBar ttk.Progressbar master orient.. master queue self.queue queue self.pgBar ttk.Progressbar master orient 'horizontal' length 300 mode 'determinate' self.lb.. length 300 mode 'determinate' self.lb tk.Listbox master width 20 height 5 self.pgBar.grid padx 20 pady 20 self.lb.grid..

The Python yield keyword explained


set of values that you will only need to read once. To master yield you must understand that when you call the function the..

How can I make setuptools install a package that's not on PyPI?


this case it's http github.com mtai python gearman tarball master . However that link by itself won't work because easy_install.. changing it to http github.com mtai python gearman tarball master#egg gearman 2.0.0beta instead easy_install will be able to tell.. 'http github.com mtai python gearman tarball master#egg gearman 2.0.0beta' Now when YOUR package is being installed..

Which game scripting language is better to use: Lua or Python? [closed]


sufficiently small simple and well designed that you can master the entire system completely . In part this is true thanks to.. to Roberto's excellent book . Python is too complex to master completely and is going to get more complex. Lua's C implementation..

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


CurAPMvalues current APM values # unsigned short mprc master password revision code # unsigned short hw_config hardware config..

Python 2.7 on Ubuntu


2.6.6 curl kL https raw.github.com utahta pythonbrew master pythonbrew install bash . HOME .pythonbrew etc bashrc pythonbrew..

Python: Comparing two CSV files and searching for similar items


D b.txt 99kb 678910 C c.txt 44kb 111213 The second file masterlist.csv is shown below Filename Signature b.txt 678910 x.txt.. 999999 As you can see the rows do not match up and the masterlist.csv is always larger than the hosts.csv file. The only portion.. portion. I know this would look something like hosts 3 masterlist 1 I am looking for a solution that will give me something..

Getting all visible text from a webpage using Selenium


Is there any way around this Is there some sort of master element I grab the inner text of Or a completely different way..