

python Programming Glossary: masked

NumPy or Pandas: Keeping array type as integer while having a NaN value


False and this did not help. I also tried using NumPy masked arrays with NaN fill_value which also did not work. All of these..

What is the difference between Python's 'Extras' and 'site-packages' directories?


or should the 'Extras' versions be left alone and simply masked by those in 'site packages' 1 System Library Frameworks Python.framework..

numpy 3d to 2d transformation based on 2d mask array


to alternative ways to accomplish this e.g. using boolean masked arrays . However I like the safety that I get using these index..

Logarithmic y-axis bins in python


How can I plot NaN values as a special color with imshow in matplotlib?


share improve this question Hrm it appears I can use a masked array to do this masked_array np.ma.array a mask np.isnan a.. Hrm it appears I can use a masked array to do this masked_array np.ma.array a mask np.isnan a cmap matplotlib.cm.jet cmap.set_bad.. a cmap matplotlib.cm.jet cmap.set_bad 'w' 1. ax.imshow masked_array interpolation 'nearest' cmap cmap This should suffice..

Resampling irregularly spaced data to a regular grid in Python


mpl_toolkits.natgrid. My issue is that I get back a masked array where most of the entries are nan instead of an array..

Auto-Completion In wxPython wxComboBox


tried to make a ComboBox do it with no luck I've tried the masked ComboBoxes and have even tried to subclass the ComboCrtl but..

mask a 2D numpy array based on values in one column


is I want 2 4 1 3 1 5 Is this possible to do using numpy masked array operations How can one do it Thanks. python arrays numpy.. np.ma.MaskedArray a mask np.ones_like a a 0 1 .T # Returns masked_array data 2 4 1 3 1 5 mask True True True False False False..

NumPy: calculate averages with NaNs removed


share improve this question I think what you want is a masked array dat np.array 1 2 3 4 5 nan nan 6 nan nan nan nan mdat.. np.array 1 2 3 4 5 nan nan 6 nan nan nan nan mdat np.ma.masked_array dat np.isnan dat mm np.mean mdat axis 1 print mm.filled.. 0 99 size 50 dat ii np.nan method1 mdat np.ma.masked_array dat np.isnan dat mm np.mean mdat axis 1 mm.filled np.nan..

Defining the midpoint of a colormap in matplotlib


than 0 elif vmin vmax result.fill 0 # Or should it be all masked Or 0.5 else vmin float vmin vmax float vmax if clip mask ma.getmask..

comparing python with c/fortran


end of a large optimization chain. The difference is often masked by a much stronger effect memory bandwith. As soon as you start..

How do i fill “holes” in an image?


on these images like stars or aeroplane streaks that are masked out. I don't just want to fill the masked areas with some mean.. streaks that are masked out. I don't just want to fill the masked areas with some mean value but to interpolate them according..