

python Programming Glossary: managers

How do I 'lock the keyboard' to prevent any more keypresses being sent on X11/Linux/Gnome?


no key presses should be sent to any windows window managers etc. Preferably the screen should still show the same content...

Event system in Python


be found or is commonly used I'm not interested in event managers that are part of large frameworks I'd rather use a small bare..

What is an efficent way of inserting thousands of records into an SQLite table using Django?


commit once instead at each save . In django 1.3 context managers were introduced. So now you can use transaction.commit_on_success..

Given the name of a Python package, what is the name of the module to import? [closed]


manager. Ruby and Nodejs ship with full featured package managers Gem and Npm and have nurtured sharing communities centred around..

Does, With open() not works with python 2.6


are trying to use the with statement with multiple context managers though which was only added in Python 2.7 Changed in version..

Python, Tkinter, Scrollbar and Text Field


share improve this question Tkinter has three geometry managers pack place and grid. Pack and grid are usually recommended over.. that different Tkinter widgets can use different geometry managers within the same program as long as they do not share the same..

adding the same object twice to a ManyToManyField


but how can I circumvent that I tried looking into custom managers but I am not sure if this the right way seems complicated .....

Checking for member existence in Python


Performance wise in your case ”since setting up exception managers the try keyword is very cheap in CPython while creating an exception..

How can I retrieve the signal strength of nearby wireless LAN networks on Windows using Python?


although wicd is becoming more popular. Both of these managers can be queried using dbus . Unless you can control what the..

What is the python “with” statement designed for? [closed]


common preparation and cleanup tasks in so called context managers . More details can be found in PEP 343 . For instance the open.. threading.Lock . You can also construct your own context managers using the contextmanager decorator from contextlib . For instance..

Python: open multiple files using “with open”?


you can sometimes use contextlib.nested to nest context managers. This won't work as expected for opening multiples files though..

Cross-platform gui toolkit for deploying Python applications


to matching. Variable traces named fonts geometry layout managers and the way Tkinter processes events are still the standard..

Purpose of else and finally in exception handling


wx.TaskBarIcon on Ubuntu 11.04


toplevel window on user's desktop. Because not all window managers have system tray there's no guarantee that wxTaskBarIcon will..

Installing numpy as a dependency with setuptools


as it needs them to build numpy. This is why most package managers come with pre compiled versions of these packages. For example..

Parallel fetching of files


that the download speed should get faster. Many download managers have this feature. I thought about specifying the part of file..

Can I create a shared multiarray or lists of lists object in python for multiprocessing?


print lst # after 1 10 2 3 From the docs Server process managers are more flexible than using shared memory objects because they..