

python Programming Glossary: manipulating

What is a metaclass in Python?


metaclasses to do twisted stuff relying on introspection manipulating inheritance vars such as __dict__ etc. Indeed metaclasses are..

New Python Programmer Looking for Help to Avoid Recursion with tkinter


is especially true with a tkinter class because you aren't manipulating it as an object in the main program. Mostly you need the self...

Running OpenCV from a Python virtualenv


web 2011 06 installing opencv 2 2 in ubuntu 11 04 up until manipulating and copying the cv shared objects. Instead I copied cv.so from..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


into a pandas data structure Updating the database after manipulating pieces in pandas Real world examples would be much appreciated..

How to safely write to a file?


methods for editing the content. When you are done manipulating the content you can call a write to save the content back to..

How to find/replace text in html while preserving html tags/structure


a DOM library not regular expressions when dealing with manipulating HTML lxml a parser document and HTML serializer. Also can use..

Finding the exponent of n = 2**x using bitwise operations [logarithm in base 2 of n]


are all pretty much slow are using the logarithm function manipulating the binary representation of 2 s i.e. counting the trailing..

How to synchronize a python dict with multiprocessing


Using the authkey parameter uses secure connections when manipulating syncdict. When any key is pressed the manager is shutdown. Client.py..

OS-independent Inter-program communication between Python and C


for change new files it just seems ugly. Find some way of manipulating pipes i.e. mine.py . his . This seems like a bit of a dead end...

How to print date in a regular format in Python?


repr function and is handy to know what kind of data your manipulating while you are developing or debugging. repr datetime.datetime..

Parsing S-Expressions in Python


Are there any python modules available for parsing and manipulating symbolic expressions in Python similar to how Lisp expressions..

F# vs IronPython: When is one preferred to the other?


engine etc. I'd say 95 of our code is simply navigating manipulating and processing tree like data structures. Right now everything.. its kind of a mess. Incidentally one of F#'s strengths is manipulating ASTs and symbolic processing see a comparison of C# and F# code..

Image library for Python 3


for Python 3 What is python 3 using instead of PIL for manipulating Images python image python 3.x python imaging library share..

Python: Queue.Queue vs. collections.deque


use collections.deque . Finally accessing and manipulating the internal deque of a Queue.Queue is playing with fire you..

Tutorial or Guide for Scripting XCode Build Phases


the project.pbxproj file into an in memory data structure manipulating that data structure through a programmatic interface and then..

Python and Intellisense


Calling a Python function with *args,**kwargs and optional / default arguments


default arguments I know I can simulate that behavior by manipulating the kwargs dictionary inside the function. python syntax python..