

python Programming Glossary: markersize

Matplotlib basemap: Popup box


for i in range 10 point plt.plot i i 'o' markersize 10 annotation ax.annotate Mouseover point s i xy i i xycoords..

How to force errorbars to render last with Matplotlib


f pylab.errorbar ang data j yerr delta_data j fmt 'o' markersize 3 color 'b' zorder 300 antialiased True I would appreciate..

How to detect a Christmas Tree?


display axcltwo.plot pix 1 pix 0 'o' markerfacecolor col markersize 1 markeredgecolor col axclust.imshow clustimg axcltwo.set_xlim..

matplotlib: add circle to plot


Calculating the percentage of variance measure for k-means?


'b ' ax.plot K kIdx avgWithinSS kIdx marker 'o' markersize 12 markeredgewidth 2 markeredgecolor 'r' markerfacecolor 'None'.. 'b ' ax.plot KK kIdx betweenss kIdx totss 100 marker 'o' markersize 12 markeredgewidth 2 markeredgecolor 'r' markerfacecolor 'None'..

Interactive plot based on Tkinter and matplotlib


n fig pylab.figure figsize 8 5 pylab.plot x Y n 'x' markersize 2 pylab.show To add two buttons to change the value of n parameter..