

python Programming Glossary: mapped

Large, persistent DataFrame in pandas


file row by row into a pre allocated NumPy array or memory mapped file np.mmap but it's one I'll be working on in the near future...

How to solve the “Mastermind” guessing game?


. Thus we can discard any partitions that contain a score mapped to more than this many solutions. This is the next two lines..

Getting a map() to return a list in python 3.1


66 53 0 94 map object at 0x00AF5570 How do i retrieve the mapped list as in A above on python 3.x Alternatively is there a better..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


direct access to the MxNx4 numpy array that is the color mapped data. If you just want the color mapped data you can by pass.. that is the color mapped data. If you just want the color mapped data you can by pass imshow entirely and directly color map.. 'jet' normed_data data np.min data np.max data np.min data mapped_data my_cm normed_data which will give you back a MxNx4 array..

stacking colormaps


make yet another color coded scatter plot where the color mapped variable varies from large negative to large positive values.. colormap say cm.Blues_r for negative values of the color mapped variable and from a different one say cm.Oranges for positive..

Working with big data in python and numpy, not enough ram, how to save partial results on disc?


question Using numpy.memmap you create arrays directly mapped into a file import numpy a numpy.memmap 'test.mymemmap' dtype..

How do I watch a file for changes using Python?


polling. Edit Curses It seems this doesn't work over a mapped network drive. I'm guessing windows doesn't 'hear' any updates..

Mapping a range of values to another


can pass a value and the two ranges and get back the value mapped to the second range. If such a function was named translate..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


good idea. Because all 256 possible latin1 characters are mapped to Unicode it means that ANY 8 bit byte ANY Python str object..

How to discover table properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object


to discover table properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object I have a class mapped with a table in my case in a declarative.. properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object I have a class mapped with a table in my case in a declarative way and I want to discover..

Python: HTTP Post a large file with streaming


now import urllib2 import mmap # Open the file as a memory mapped string. Looks like a string but # actually accesses the file.. file behind the scenes. f open 'somelargefile.zip' 'rb' mmapped_file_as_string mmap.mmap f.fileno 0 access mmap.ACCESS_READ.. # Do the request request urllib2.Request url mmapped_file_as_string request.add_header Content Type application zip..

method of iterating over sqlalchemy model's defined columns?


c See How to discover table properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object similar question. edit by mike Please see functions such.. by mike Please see functions such as Mapper.c and Mapper.mapped_table . If using 0.8 and higher also see Mapper.attrs and related..

How to read a raw image using PIL?


per byte L 8 bit pixels black and white P 8 bit pixels mapped to any other mode using a colour palette RGB 3x8 bit pixels..

Python multiprocessing pool.map for multiple arguments


I'm assuming that text is the variable that should be mapped while case supplies the mapping function with extra information..

Python multiprocessing: sharing a large read-only object between processes?


shared memory objects. These are just files that are mapped to memory so that swapping I O is done instead of more convention..

Construct a tree from list os file paths (Python) - Performance dependent


its initialisation if it is not there Directory names are mapped to dictionary keys I thought this might be a good feature for..