

python Programming Glossary: masks

python - returning a default value


like this is going to a lot of effort. It also potentially masks improper function calls eg bar myfunc foo baz default qux def..

How can I use Emacs Flymake mode for python with pyflakes and pylint checking code?


How do I manipulate bits in Python?


shifts since Python integers aren't fixed width. Use bit masks to obtain the low order bits. For example to do the equivalent..

Check if key is pressed using python (a daemon in the background)


xc include X.h v 1.6 2003 07 09 15 27 28 tsi Exp # # Key masks. Used as modifiers to GrabButton and GrabKey results of # QueryPointer.. 1 2 return xkbstaterec # extract modifier status using bitmasks def ExtractLocks self xkbstaterec return 'group' xkbstaterec.group..

Can?™t download youtube video


numbers of youtube urls and downloads them all. Finally it masks its user agent as Chrome for Mac which is what I currently use..

Parsing values from a JSON file in Python


maps id blabla iscategorical 0 id blabla iscategorical 0 masks id valore om_points value parameters id valore I wrote this.. maps id blabla iscategorical 0 id blabla iscategorical 0 masks id valore om_points value parameters id valore Then you can.. can now also find values in like so data maps 0 id data masks id data om_points Try those out and see if it starts to make..

How does Python variable scoping works?


inside your method from the import inside scope so this masks the global os . However when you say print os you haven't reached..

Log all errors to console or file on Django site


case it's relevant I'm writing a Facebook app and Facebook masks HTTP 500 errors with their own message rather than showing Django's..

different import results at different directories


How do I generate circular thumbnails with PIL?


this question The easiest way to do it is by using masks. Create a black and white mask with any shape you want. And..