

python Programming Glossary: mappings

Image transformation in OpenCV


it does interpolation and here we use it to convert sparse mappings to dense mappings as cv2.remap requires dense mappings. We just.. and here we use it to convert sparse mappings to dense mappings as cv2.remap requires dense mappings. We just need to convert.. mappings to dense mappings as cv2.remap requires dense mappings. We just need to convert to the values to float32 as OpenCV..

python operator, no operator for “not in”


not in is the inverse of in so you have the following mappings obj in seq contains seq obj obj not in seq not contains seq..

Confused by Django's claim to MVC, what is it exactly?


like there are Models Views Templates Models Database mappings Views Grab relevant data from the models and formats it via..

Should I create mapper objects or use the declarative syntax in SQLAlchemy?


classes to existing tables then you have to use explicit mappings because your focus is on the SQL not the business objects and.. things more maintainable then you have to use explicit mappings. If you think that concealing the SQL makes things more maintainable..

Failed to start devlopment server — BindError: Unable to find a consistent port localhost

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16688582/failed-to-start-devlopment-server-binderror-unable-to-find-a-consistent-port mymachinename localhost if you delete all mappings but one for localhost the problem will hopefully be resolved...

Django ease of building a RESTful interface


this question This is probably pretty easy to do. URL mappings are easy to construct for example urlpatterns patterns 'books.views'..

post-commit hook produces error on svn commit but works when run on manually on command line


use absolute paths for running applications Network drive mappings are user specific. Ensure that the drives exist for the user..

How to deploy structured Flask app on AWS elastic beanstalk


viewOne.html viewTwo.html Where views.py contains my url mappings. I have tried initializing the eb instance in the root directory..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


your desired encoding. Unicode is a base and encodings are mappings of subsets of that base. utf_8 has room for every character..

Use only some parts of Django?


Django modules. This will let you use Django's object db mappings without actually having a Django project so you can use it for..

Character Sets explained for Dummies! [closed]


encodings use different sequences of bytes for their mappings. You can use a utility like this one to inspect the mappings... You can use a utility like this one to inspect the mappings. The thing you see on the screen is a grapheme from a graphical.. doesn't know when or how to transform from one set of mappings to another chooses the wrong mapping chooses a mapping that..

Is there a plugin for vim to auto-import python libraries?


space to use ropevim autocompletion. Here are some of my mappings with ropevim Rope AutoImport and OrganizeImport nnoremap C S..

Is it possible to programmatically construct a Python stack frame and start execution at an arbitrary point in the code?


PyCodeObject code.h has a list of addr f_lasti line number mappings in PyCodeObject.co_lnotab correct me if wrong here . This might..

A data-structure for 1:1 mappings in python?


data structure for 1 1 mappings in python I have a problem which requires a reversable 1 1..

Python create own dict view of subset of dictionary


k v But that creates a new dictionary with its own mappings. For many operations it would be nice to just have an immutable..