

python Programming Glossary: mandatory

Why print statement is not pythonic? [closed]


and highly visible to absolutely everybody since it was mandatory in early dialects of Basic. Modern variants of Lisp from Scheme..

OSV method's return statement


dict should be included How can I know which ones are mandatory and which are not Many thanks python openerp share improve..

How to copy directory recursively in python and overwrite all?


you don't have to pass every argument only src and dst are mandatory. However in your case you can't use a similar tool like shutil.copytree..

How to show the rsync --progress in web browser using DJango?


be dealing with the large files so the progress bar is mandatory. progress argument in rsync command does this beautifully. All..

Global dictionaries don't need keyword global to modify them? [duplicate]


change global dictionary without global keyword Why it's mandatory for other types Is there any logic behind this E.g. code # usr..

Regular expression to match comma separated list of key=value where value can contain commas


So I'm guessing I have to somehow make the last comma or mandatory. Doing just that does not really work r' a z_ . ' As with that..

wxPython Window Maximize/restore


my window how can i get it back up The Iconize must be mandatory. import wx class AAAA wx.Frame def __init__ self parent id wx.Frame.__init__..

Checking for membership inside nested dict


call it manager_internal_id . The internal_id field is non mandatory and not every employee has one. '6443410501' 'manager_internal_id'..

What is the 'cls' variable used in python classes?


and cls is defined in PEP8 . As Adrien said this is not a mandatory. It's a coding style. PEP8 says Function and method arguments..

How to clone a Python generator object?


I've a benchmark scenario and the use of same walk data is mandatory to get helpful results. I've tried walk2 walk to clone and use..

Why is parenthesis in print voluntary in Python 2.7?


words Hello world In Python 3.x parenthesis on print is mandatory essentially making it a function but in 2.7 both will work with..

Python __init__ and self what do they do?


.... What does self do what is it meant to be and is it mandatory What does the __init__ method do why is it necessary etc I think..

Advice for C# programmer writing Python [closed]


in Python without them. They are just smart tools not mandatory. Like in C# the Python standard library is huge. Always look..

Choosing between Java and Python


This requires refactoring the C to clean it up. It's not mandatory but it's an option that's easier in Python than Java. Unless..