

python Programming Glossary: marker

2D and 3D Scatter Histograms from arrays in Python


sub pyplot.scatter points 0 points 1 color 'black' marker 'o' s 128 points 2 sub.axes.set_xticks xs sub.axes.set_yticks.. '3d' sub.scatter points 0 points 1 points 2 color 'black' marker 'o' s 128 points 3 sub.axes.set_xticks xs sub.axes.set_yticks..

Is there a way to convert pyplot.imshow() object to numpy array?


share improve this question Unless you really need the marker ticks and such im._rgba_cache gives you direct access to the..

Differences between isinstance() and type() in python


functionality to subclasses but rather exists as a marker mainly for use with isinstance . The concept is obviously a..

Is it possible to map a discontiuous data on disk to an array with python?


record is not continuous as it is divided by record markers. The record structure is as marker data marker data ... data.. is divided by record markers. The record structure is as marker data marker data ... data marker . The length of data regions.. by record markers. The record structure is as marker data marker data ... data marker . The length of data regions and markers..

Python: Recursively access dict via attributes as well as index access?


to create this kind of experience class dotdictify dict marker object def __init__ self value None if value is None pass elif.. def __getitem__ self key found self.get key dotdictify.marker if found is dotdictify.marker found dotdictify dict.__setitem__.. self.get key dotdictify.marker if found is dotdictify.marker found dotdictify dict.__setitem__ self key found return found..

Line reading chokes on 0x1A


is Ctrl Z and DOS historically used that as an end of file marker. For example try using a command prompt and type ing your file...

In Python, what does preceding a string literal with “r” mean?


characters and found that it also worked for the Unicode marker u and that it didn't have to be a method argument. For example.. Unicode. What does r and b mean and are there other such markers I'm having a hard time searching the docs for the answer since..

What's the bad magic number error?


type systems where the first few bytes of a file held a marker indicating the file type. Python puts a similar marker into.. a marker indicating the file type. Python puts a similar marker into its pyc files when it creates them. Then the python interpreter..

Matplotlib: How to put individual tags for a scatter plot


points. For example scatter1 plt.scatter data1 x data1 y marker o c blue facecolors white edgecolors blue I want for the.. N plt.subplots_adjust bottom 0.1 plt.scatter data 0 data 1 marker 'o' c data 2 s data 3 1500 cmap plt.get_cmap 'Spectral' for..

python matplotlib colorbar setting tick formator/locator changes tick labels


# draw colorbar # plot data points. #plt.scatter x y marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 zorder 10 plt.xlim 2 2 plt.ylim 2 2 plt.title.. # plot data points. #plt.scatter x y marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 zorder 10 plt.xlim 2 2 plt.ylim 2 2 plt.title.. bar.update_ticks # plot data points. #plt.scatter x y marker 'o' c 'b' s 5 zorder 10 plt.xlim 2 2 plt.ylim 2 2 plt.title..

Matplotlib 3D scatter color lost after redraw


111 projection '3d' ax3D.scatter x y z s 30 c col marker 'o' cmap cm plt.savefig 'image1.png' plt.savefig 'image2.png'.. scatCollection ax3D.scatter x y z s 30 c col marker 'o' cmap cm def forceUpdate event global scatCollection scatCollection.changed..