

python Programming Glossary: markers

Trying to send email (Gmail as mail provider) using Python


from the message body by a blank line and use CRLF as EOL markers. E.g. msg r n .join From user_me@gmail.com To user_you@gmail.com..

Python random N lines from large file (no duplicate lines)


in binary read mode thus the conversion of the end of line markers should be taken care of manually. This technique can't give..

how to convert base64 /radix64 public key to a pem format in python


are very similar. You just need to change the BEGIN END markers strip the PGP headers and checksums. I've done this before in..

Is it possible to map a discontiuous data on disk to an array with python?


record is not continuous as it is divided by record markers. The record structure is as marker data marker data ... data.. data ... data marker . The length of data regions and markers are known. The length of data between markers is not multiple.. regions and markers are known. The length of data between markers is not multiple of 4 bytes otherwise I can map each data region..

Plotting a curve with equidistant (arc-length) markers


a curve with equidistant arc length markers I would like to plot a graph of some experimental data which.. relatively high rate but approximates a smooth curve using markers spaced at equal arc length intervals as shown in the graph below.. the markevery argument to plot but that would bunch up the markers to the right of the plot and probably have quite few markers..

Python JSON serialize a Decimal object


DecimalEncoder json.JSONEncoder def _iterencode self o markers None if isinstance o decimal.Decimal # wanted a simple yield.. for o in o return super DecimalEncoder self ._iterencode o markers Then use it like so json.dumps 'x' decimal.Decimal '5.5' cls..

Best video manipulation library for python? [closed]


parts of a video and either grab a frame or put multiple markers for start and end of video sections to lop off bits. cross platform..

Unresolved import: models


imports . I can remove the errors using remove error markers and my site runs perfect I can browse it but I want to get rid..

How to integrate pep8.py in Eclipse?


Code Analysis pep8.py Errors Warnings should be shown as markers as other things in the regular code analysis . share improve..

In Python, what does preceding a string literal with “r” mean?


Unicode. What does r and b mean and are there other such markers I'm having a hard time searching the docs for the answer since..

Placing Custom Images in a Plot Window--as custom data markers or to annotate those markers


Custom Images in a Plot Window as custom data markers or to annotate those markers I have a set of 150x150px png.. a Plot Window as custom data markers or to annotate those markers I have a set of 150x150px png images and a set of x y coordinates..

How do you verify an RSA SHA1 signature in Python?


share improve this question The data between the markers is the base64 encoding of the ASN.1 DER encoding of a PKCS#8..