

python Programming Glossary: manual

Processing single file from multiple processes in python


Manual pool with limit and line re sorting This is a manual example of the Pool.map but instead of consuming an entire iterable..

Accessing object memory address


tostring repr share improve this question The Python manual has this to say about id Return the ``identity'' of an object...

How do I do variable variables in Python?


variable variables in Python Here is an elaborative manual entry for instance Variable variables I hear this is a bad idea..

Log output of multiprocessing.Process


. Slightly modifying an example from the multiprocessing manual from multiprocessing import Process import os import sys def..

Django + MySQL on Mac OS 10.6.2 Snow Leopard


is strongly recommended for production servers. See the manual for more instructions. You can start the MySQL daemon with cd..

Nested SSH session with Paramiko


I managed to find a solution but it requires a little manual work. If anyone have a better solution please tell me. ssh paramiko.SSHClient..

The Zen of Python [closed]


written by Tim Peters. It is considered like a summary manual of python's philosophy. Here it is import this The Zen of Python..

Sqlite / SQLAlchemy: how to enforce Foreign Keys?


sqlite foreign key support is enabled is to do a manual insert from a declarative ORM class # example ins Coverage.__table__.insert..

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?


rates or it is likely that you can't complete the manual part of the translation activity. Another key consideration.. and cool to build a translator instead of simply doing a manual conversion for small code bases e.g. up to about 100K SLOC in..

Django Templates and variable attributes


td user.item td endfor tr endfor table now the django manual states that when it sees a . in variables it tries several things..

Is possible send a array in Obj-c for a variable arguments function?


I have this BOOL executeUpdate NSString sql ... And the manual way is do this db executeUpdate @ insert into test a b c d e..

Find current directory and file's directory


How can I use C++ class in Python?


Please suggest.How can I do this NOTE I would like to know manual way to do that. I don't want any third party library dependency... and use them within python. Works great. You can do it manually by using the Python C API writing the interface yourself...

inspect.getmembers() vs __dict__.items() vs dir()


your object reports by defining __dir__ . From the manual if __dir__ is not defined If the object is a module object the..

Complex foreign key constraint in SQLAlchemy


nonetheless. This carries some limitations. I quote the manual here Referential actions other than the NO ACTION check cannot..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


pixel values in an array here samples and corresponding manually entered digit in another array here responses . e Then save.. save both the arrays in seperate txt files. At the end of manual classification of digits image will look like below Below is..

Converting numpy dtypes to native python types


0 # type 'datetime.timedelta' ... Read more in the NumPy manual . For the curious to build a table of conversions for your system..

How to save a Python interactive session?


to work with databases files etc basically a lot of manual formatting of semi structured data. I don't properly save and..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


D Data Users... is the error information thrown when I manually stop the model from running to completion. Once I stop the.. execution as I've done this in the past spawning instances manually using iPython and launching from each model file folder. This.. so `map ` results can be ignored subprocess threading manual pool solution # usr bin env python from __future__ import print_function..

Processing single file from multiple processes in python


more advanced ways to design a producer consumer setup. Manual pool with limit and line re sorting This is a manual example..

How to include backslash and quotes in Python strings


characters are documented in the Python Language Reference Manual. If they are new to you you will find them disconcerting for..

Stack Overflow when Pyparsing Ada 2005 Scoped Identifiers using Reference Manual Grammar


when Pyparsing Ada 2005 Scoped Identifiers using Reference Manual Grammar I'm currently implementing an Ada 2005 parser using..

Manual garbage collection in Python


garbage collection in Python Is there any way to manually remove..

Python Webframework Confusion


. After reviewing the website check out QuickStart Manual web2py currently version 1.43 Everything in one package with..

How do you implement multilingual support for pyqt4


obvious places Internationalization with Qt Qt Linguist Manual Internationalisation of PyQt4 Applications Below is a simple..

PyPy — How can it possibly beat CPython?


share improve this question Q1. How is this possible Manual memory management which is what CPython does with its counting..

How do you return multiple values in Python?


self.y0 y0 self.y1 y1 self.y2 y2 From the Python Reference Manual The __slots__ declaration takes a sequence of instance variables..

How to use xpath in Python?


deployed. RPMs are available that ease some of this pain. Manual resource handling. Note in the sample below the calls to freeDoc..

Selenium using Python: enter/provide http proxy password for firefox


the following code fp webdriver.FirefoxProfile # Direct 0 Manual 1 PAC 2 AUTODETECT 4 SYSTEM 5 fp.set_preference network.proxy.type..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


is greatly appreciated EDIT 3 26 2012 13 31 EST Using the Manual Pool method in @J.F. Sebastian's answer below I get parallel..