

python Programming Glossary: map_async

Creating an asynchronous method with Google App Engine's NDB


actual result. An alternative way to do this is to use the map_async method on the Query object it would let you write a callback.. noteQuery ndb.gql '...' note_list yield noteQuery.map_async lambda note note.to_dict raise ndb.Return note_list Advanced.. decorator and just returning the Future returned by map_async def get_updates_for_user_Async userKey lastSyncDate noteQuery..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


blocking the input and output processes too apply_async map_async imap imap_unordered Suppose we didn't need to siphon off the..

Exception thrown in multiprocessing Pool not detected


uses this for apply_async and hence apply . I'll leave map_async as an exercise for the reader. import traceback from multiprocessing.pool..

multiprocessing.Pool seems to work in Windows but not in ubuntu?


number 1. Using multiprocessing.Pool together with Pool.map_async pool mp.Pool processes nTasks # I have 12 threads six cores.. asynchronically i.e. not necessary in order. result pool.map_async testfuncParallel tasks pool.close # These are needed if map_async.. testfuncParallel tasks pool.close # These are needed if map_async is used pool.join # Get results sim sp.zeros N nTasks for nn..

PicklingError when using multiprocessing


multiprocessing I am having trouble when using the Pool.map_async and also Pool.map in the multiprocessing module. I have implemented.. that works fine as long as the function input to Pool.map_async is a regular function. When the function is e.g. a method to.. mp.Pool processes nWorkers # Evaluate function result pool.map_async func arguments chunksize chunksize pool.close pool.join return..

Combining itertools and multiprocessing?


pool multiprocessing.Pool async_results np.asarray pool.map_async myfunc finput .get 999999 However it seems like map_async is.. myfunc finput .get 999999 However it seems like map_async is actually creating this huge finput list first My CPU's aren't.. itertools.izip matrices inds async_results.extend pool.map_async myfunc finput .get async_results np.array async_results PS...

Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing


range 10 arglist.append 'i' i 'dbstring' dbstring r pool.map_async do arglist callback results.append # evaluate f 10 asynchronously.. arglist for i in range 10 arglist.append 'i' i r pool.map_async do arglist callback results.append # evaluate f 10 asynchronously.. . As describe in python's docs use r.wait after a map_async . Edit I have to amend my previous answer. I now believe the..