

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uitextattributetextshadowoffset

Change the navigation bar's font


@ UITextAttributeTextColor UIColor greenColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor UIColor redColor UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0.0f 1.0f UITextAttributeFont UIFont fontWithName @ Helvetica size 20.0f Earlier..

How do you use setTitleTextAttributes:forState in UIBarItem in iOS 5.0?


1.0 green 1.0 blue 1.0 alpha 1.0 UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset UIFont fontWithName @ AmericanTypewriter size 0.0 UITextAttributeFont nil forState UIControlStateNormal share improve..

How to change the Color of text in UITabBarItem in iOS 5


UITextAttributeTextColor UIColor whiteColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset UIFont fontWithName @ Rok size 0.0 UITextAttributeFont nil forState UIControlStateNormal iphone ios xcode uitabbarcontroller.. UIColor grayColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0.0f 1.0f UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset nil Apple's documentation on customizing appearance In iOS v5.0 and later you can customize the appearance of tab bars..

UISegmentcontrol appearances causing issues


UITextAttributeTextColor UIColor clearColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset nil forState UIControlStateNormal selected segment UISegmentedControl appearance setTitleTextAttributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys.. UITextAttributeTextColor UIColor clearColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset nil forState UIControlStateHighlighted IBAction call Get number of segments int numSegments infoSegment.subviews count Reset..

How to change UISegmentcontrol font and selected segment colour? [duplicate]


UIColor clearColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset nil NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject UIColor redColor forKey UITextAttributeTextColor infoSegment setTitleTextAttributes.. UIColor clearColor UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset nil NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject UIColor redColor forKey UITextAttributeTextColor infoSegment setTitleTextAttributes..

iOS - Linker Error, Duplicate Symbol


0.0 green 0.0 blue 0.0 alpha 0.8 UITextAttributeTextShadowColor NSValue valueWithUIOffset UIOffsetMake 0 1 UITextAttributeTextShadowOffset UIFont fontWithName @ AGaramondPro Regular size 23.0 UITextAttributeFont nil self.view.layer.shadowOffset CGSizeZero self.view.layer.shadowOpacity..