

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:23

iphone Programming Glossary: uitabbarcontrollerdelegate

How to programmatically add a UINavigationBar and a back button on it


be a great push up for me.. below is the code snippet. NoteView.h @interface NoteView UITextView UITextViewDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate NoteView.m id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self self.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithRed..

Switching from UIViewController to UITabBarController


the app crashes. This is my LaMetro_88AppDelegate.h @interface LaMetro_88AppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate UIView startupView NSTimer timer UIViewController LoadingViewController UITabBarController tabBarController void changeView..

Prevent automatic popToRootViewController on double-tap of UITabBarController


uitabbarcontroller share improve this question Use the tabBarController shouldSelectViewController method of the UITabBarControllerDelegate protocol . BOOL tabBarController UITabBarController tabBarController shouldSelectViewController UIViewController viewController..

How to: Save order of tabs when customizing tabs in UITabBarController


. To be able to accurately track last selected tab including the 'More' one I've implemented following methods for UITabBarControllerDelegate of my UITabBarController and UINavigationControllerDelegate of its moreNavigationController. Here they are #pragma mark.. setInteger mainTabBarController.selectedIndex forKey @ mainTabBarControllerSelectedIndex #pragma mark UITabBarControllerDelegate void tabBarController UITabBarController tabBarController didSelectViewController UIViewController viewController NSUserDefaults.. forKey @ mainTabBarControllerSelectedIndex And here's the code for saving the tabs order #pragma mark UITabBarControllerDelegate void tabBarController UITabBarController tabBarController didEndCustomizingViewControllers NSArray viewControllers changed..

how to get the event that switch tab menu on iphone


. How could I accomplish this iphone iphone sdk 3.0 uitabbarcontroller share improve this question Implement UITabBarControllerDelegate e.g. in your app delegate's applicationDidFinishLaunching void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application tabBarController.delegate..

My UITabBarController's didSelectViewController method is not getting called?


@ s __FUNCTION__ It is defined in this app delegate.h @interface OrioleAppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate UIWindow window UITabBarController tabBarController @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet UIWindow window @property nonatomic..

How to get title of UITabBarItem in the More section?


to get title of UITabBarItem in the More section I have a UITabBarControllerDelegate method that determines the title of the UITabBarItem and does something accordingly. This works well for items in my UITabBar.. title More On the other side when you select a controller inside the more list you won't be notified in your UITabBarControllerDelegate method weird IMHO . To help you get notifications when you select controllers in that list you could do the following void..

what is the best way to play sound quickly upon fast button presses xcode?


the sounds at the moment the .h file @interface MainScreenViewController UIViewController AVAudioPlayerDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate AVAudioPlayer player CFURLRef keNURL SystemSoundID keNObject KE LOUD CFURLRef keLURL SystemSoundID keLObject GE NORMAL CFURLRef..

Disable action - user taps on tabbar item to go to root view controller


that Edit This behavior is a little strange but a handy shortcut in case of deep hierarchy You can implement following UITabBarControllerDelegate methods to disable this system wide shortcut #pragma mark #pragma mark UITabBarControllerDelegate BOOL tabBarController.. implement following UITabBarControllerDelegate methods to disable this system wide shortcut #pragma mark #pragma mark UITabBarControllerDelegate BOOL tabBarController UITabBarController tbc shouldSelectViewController UIViewController vc UIViewController tbSelectedController..

which method will be called when i switch between tabs in tabBarController?


tab second time or third time . regards iphone objective c ios4 share improve this question You can use the UITabBarControllerDelegate method tabBarController didSelectViewController void tabBarController UITabBarController tabBarController didSelectViewController..

how can i create custom tab bar …add custom images in tab bar (without xib changes)


CustomTabBarController UITabBarController @end @interface AroundParisAppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate UIImageView imgTab imghome imgQuiz imgtTW imgGuest IBOutlet CustomTabBarController tabBarController @property nonatomic..

Xcode: Connection Between View Controllers and App Delegate


app delegate h file @class RootViewController @interface TabBarWithSplitViewAppDelegate NSObject UIApplicationDelegate UITabBarControllerDelegate RootViewController rootViewController @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet RootViewController rootViewController @end and..

iOS - Linker Error, Duplicate Symbol


#import TimesViewController.h @interface MenuViewController UIViewController UITableViewDataSource UITabBarControllerDelegate NSIndexPath selectedIndex @end MenuViewController.m #import MenuViewController.h typedef enum ENGINEERING GARNET GOLD HERITAGE..